
What manufacturer from Amritsar, India


As you can see above pretty nice. 4.4" inch bridled set.  I will (and currently am) ordering more from Ganesh.  So I will keep you updated if my opinion changes. One more of the Ebonized side...nulland finally...null


Buy your chess sets from original manufacturers . Amritsar Ivory Works , The Chess Empire and Amritsar Chess Company . Contact at , do visit us at and


In my opinion the best chess set manufacturer from Amritsar, India is Staunton Castle.

They may be the best chess set manufacturer in the world!

Mandeep Handicrafts is the name of the actual manufacturing company.

Their website is 

Staunton Castle has been making (or used to make) high quality chess sets and extremely high quality reproduction chess sets for Official Staunton and House of Staunton.

In fact if you purchased a high quality chess set from either of those companies there is a very good chance Mandeep Handicrafts or Staunton Castle made your chess set!

Mandeep's father has been designing and making chess pieces for most of his life and he is in his 70's now!

He is famous for being one of the best knight carvers (if not the best) in India.

Do yourself a favor and go to their website.

You will find the highest quality chess sets at the best prices of anywhere!

Mandeep is very friendly and great to deal with.

I promise you you'll be happy buying from







Looks very good. Thanks Uthor!!!

UthorPendragon wrote:

In my opinion the best chess set manufacturer from Amritsar, India is Staunton Castle.







Staunton Castles is pack of thievie wolf who steal others artistic desig to sell anyone... Mandeep is a thieve of highest calibres has stolen so many others hard work just to steal markets ..he is detriment to business and nothing bizines ethical ..i read post you uthor pendrigon have a stole set from staunton and mandeep sold you this set from 1000 sterling and it belong licence to house will be pleased with them as you no scruples also 

TemplarsKnights wrote:  


Staunton Castles is pack of thievie wolf who steal others artistic desig to sell anyone... Mandeep is a thieve of highest calibres has stolen so many others hard work just to steal markets ..he is detriment to business and nothing bizines ethical ..i read post you uthor pendrigon have a stole set from staunton and mandeep sold you this set from 1000 sterling and it belong licence to house will be pleased with them as you no scruples also 

Getting tired of all this waffle about people claiming IP in staunton chess sets. All staunton sets currently made are knock offs of the original Jaques/Cooke design and almost all sets are only a very slight deviation from one of the original Jaques sets. It is debateable whether any claims could stand up in court (e.g. BH Wood case) and even if they could I do not believe that morally any of these new sets should be given protection. IP was introduced to provide incentives for people to create something genuinely new and revolutionary, not to copy old designs, make superficial changes and then claim it is their "creation". I have bought a number of nice HOS sets. But they were knock offs (good knock offs mind you).


TemplarsKnights - I would be careful about using the kind of language you use above. Directly calling someone a thief in a public forum may well be an actionable offence. 


I dont agree with you AUDIOQ..........


The manufacturer signs an agreement of exclusivity on a design whether or not it is a reproduction or not has no bearing to the agreement. Staunton Castle were my suppliers also, however we dropped them like a hot brick because they were signing exclusivity of certain designs to different retailers however going behind their back after charging a premium for those exclusives, and selling them to the likes of Uthor Pendragon at a third of the RRP set by the retailers. Now you may think that is acceptable but in business terms its unethical on so many levels. They were also manipulating emails we and others  sent them, changing the content then forwarding them on as their proof of innocence in laying blame to everyone else but themselves..... creating a 3 or 4 way web of deceit, so many untruths, and even blamed the amount of $ offered from a certain buyer of an exclusive set for them to slightly modify to pass it off as a different design, when a blind man could see it was the same set! Mandeep is a genius carver like Uthor says and so are his team and especially his father, but morals, ethics fail them massively. Their worse trait by far are the constant lies, they will do anything to appear the innocent party, when all the while they are spinning yarn. 


Quite a while back Mr Dewey sent us a few images of a set he wanted us to make for him. He doesn't own any rights to this set he wanted us to make.  After a few messages to and fro we did not reach any agreement and communications ceased. I liked the design, so we made a repro of it  however I allowed approx a year waiting time just in case he wanted to proceed. A whole year without any signed exclusivity ; still he was not too pleased about that, so imagine how the likes of House of Stanton feel when they have ploughed a ton of money into the project only to launch the finalised product and 2 months down the line their main suppliers are selling it for 3rd price!! 

GM-4U wrote:

I dont agree with you AUDIOQ..........


The manufacturer signs an agreement of exclusivity on a design whether or not it is a reproduction or not has no bearing to the agreement. Staunton Castle were my suppliers also, however we dropped them like a hot brick because they were signing exclusivity of certain designs to different retailers however going behind their back after charging a premium for those exclusives, and selling them to the likes of Uthor Pendragon at a third of the RRP set by the retailers. Now you may think that is acceptable but in business terms its unethical on so many levels. They were also manipulating emails we and others  sent them, changing the content then forwarding them on as their proof of innocence in laying blame to everyone else but themselves..... creating a 3 or 4 way web of deceit, so many untruths, and even blamed the amount of $ offered from a certain buyer of an exclusive set for them to slightly modify to pass it off as a different design, when a blind man could see it was the same set! Mandeep is a genius carver like Uthor says and so are his team and especially his father, but morals, ethics fail them massively. Their worse trait by far are the constant lies, they will do anything to appear the innocent party, when all the while they are spinning yarn. 


Quite a while back Mr Dewey sent us a few images of a set he wanted us to make for him. He doesn't own any rights to this set he wanted us to make.  After a few messages to and fro we did not reach any agreement and communications ceased. I liked the design, so we made a repro of it  however I allowed approx a year waiting time just in case he wanted to proceed. A whole year without any signed exclusivity ; still he was not too pleased about that, so imagine how the likes of House of Stanton feel when they have ploughed a ton of money into the project only to launch the finalised product and 2 months down the line their main suppliers are selling it for 3rd price!! 

But what you are talking about here is nothing to do with IP, it is to do with a manufacturer not honouring a contract. That may well be the case and you would obviously have far greater insight into this that I would given your participation in the trade. Yes if someone contracts to manufacture exclusively for a retailer they should stick to that and not to is poor form. Similarly altering emails is not nice. I'm not trying to defend the business practice of a particular individual here but it amazes me when people refer to the copying of a set as theft or refer to the sets they create as a "design". The real design was registered in 1847 (1849?) as a ball for a pawn, a horses head for a knight etc on pedastals with long stems etc. Anything following this recipe is a Staunton set and indeed are called Staunton sets by the manufacturers and retailers. I appreciate the work done by HOS, OS and others in bringing these sets to the public and I'm sure they spend significant energy doing so. But spending a lot of energy doesn't/shouldn't necessarily mean that someone has a right in law or even morally to claim they have an exclusive on it.  (if they have a written contract with a particular manufacturer as you noted then that maker should only make for his client but even then that would not stop other manufacturers from copying it as best they can).

I have no sound
Audioq wrote:

But what you are talking about here is nothing to do with IP, it is to do with a manufacturer not honouring a contract. That may well be the case and you would obviously have far greater insight into this that I would given your participation in the trade. Yes if someone contracts to manufacture exclusively for a retailer they should stick to that and not to is poor form. Similarly altering emails is not nice. I'm not trying to defend the business practice of a particular individual here but it amazes me when people refer to the copying of a set as theft or refer to the sets they create as a "design". The real design was registered in 1847 (1849?) as a ball for a pawn, a horses head for a knight etc on pedastals with long stems etc. Anything following this recipe is a Staunton set and indeed are called Staunton sets by the manufacturers and retailers. I appreciate the work done by HOS, OS and others in bringing these sets to the public and I'm sure they spend significant energy doing so. But spending a lot of energy doesn't/shouldn't necessarily mean that someone has a right in law or even morally to claim they have an exclusive on it.  (if they have a written contract with a particular manufacturer as you noted then that maker should only make for his client but even then that would not stop other manufacturers from copying it as best they can).

it has EVERYTHING to do with claims of -


#552 days ago 

In my opinion the best chess set manufacturer from Amritsar, India is Staunton Castle.

They may be the best chess set manufacturer in the world!


and that is what im referring to....calling staunton castle the best manufacturer in the World - this is easy for Uthor to say because he was part of the Frank Camaratta swindle deal, where he paid Staunton Castle to effectively nullify their exclusivity agreement with House of Staunton....

There are many facets to being a manufacturer and being deceitful, disloyal, manipulative are not qualities most would look for in a supplier. I have myself initiated at least 7 designs with kind assistance from collectors on here, but Mandeep CEO at staunton castle started selling those exclusives direct to the public on ebay and a website he set up..... not only that, he and his team copied all my website data and duplicated it to their ebay sales platform....and their website. I had to involve internet authorities to have them remove my IP.  I could go on about this company Staunton Castle AKA Chess Creation whom I helped set up in 2006 ! and this is how I am repaid by these despots. 


so yes, it is a personal blow when I see the likes of Uthors posts raving about a bunch of crooks. 




I totally understand your points on the staunton design  audioq. 

Skenderbeu2 wrote:

Hello to everybody, I'm new here, can someone tell me opinion about jsartsworks and their pruducts? 

? are you wholesales store or customer as single buy ? why u want know bout jsarts as they make for businesses only 

Skenderbeu2 wrote:

Thank you for answering me, just because im interesting in their pruducts and i want to by several chess sets of them that i like but i have never touch pieces made by them 

what produks ? which site? which severel set? 


Skenderbeu2 wrote:

The site is, the products are chess pieces, they have a lot of chess pieces that i like, why so many questions? You know them? 

because they no sell to customer only bizzness


Yes Templar they are manufacturer to resellers only and they keep to that promise.  

When a manufacturer wholesales sets to chess purveyors then turns around and undercuts the market to me that is unethical. But that is my opinion only. I do know others are good with that because they can pick up sets for less and to them it doesn't matter what scruples the seller has.  To me that is everything.

I know my opinion will be in the minority on this forum and it just that, my opinion.  But I Like dealing with the chess vendors as they fill a service that I enjoy. 


Has anyone bought chess pieces from The Chess Empire located in Armritsar and if so were you happy with your purchase. I ordered a set of Dubrovnik pieces in boxwood and acacia wood with 4'' kings and extra queens. I have always really liked the simple elegance of the Dubrovnik pieces and hope they are as beautiful when I get them as the picture showing them looked.


Yep. I ordered a set this past May and was very pleased with the communications, the promptness of shipment and the high quality of the set. I was pleased enough to order another set from the company last week as a wedding gift to my now son-in-law.


Thanks Richard, sounds like a satisfied customer to me. How long did it take to get your set.

habsfan240 wrote:

Thanks Richard, sounds like a satisfied customer to me. How long did it take to get your set."

I ordered both sets in unstained ebony, which meant that TCE could not take one "off the shelf." Almost all of their ebony sets are stained. The first set came surprisingly fast - ordered May 2 and delivered to the Washington, DC area on May 13.  I ordered the second set on July 14 and it is being shipped July 21. So far, excellent service. Can't wait to see the new set.


I'm curious, does anyone know who manufactures this:

I have some seen a few that are close, however there are always some details that are wrong.

I know that the style is actually "Colombian" and that is what most of them call it

It’s a generic set made by a lot in the cottage industry- it’s been around since forever ! Choose the vendor you most trust that will look after you long term