
Im looking for a chess coach

I've been gettting frusturated on chess com lately in terms of improving my rating. Im between 800-900 for 3-5 minute games, 1100-1250 for 10s and 1300 for daily. I don't know why but my board vision online just doesnt seem as good as it is over the board. When analyzing my losses I typically build up winning positions and then just make 1 move blunders that completely crushes my position. This gets very irritating over time because I feel like im not learning anything and just wasting time especially on games longer than 5 minutes. I use online chess course tools but I just feel like they arent cutting it. I dont want to train myself to play like a robot I need a human teacher and human feedback. Chess is a beautiful game so this is important to me. Currently I have four opening repertoires that I play with, two for white and two for black. For white I play the London, typically in shorter time increments, or the Réti in longer ones which often can transpose into the QGD or QGA. As black I play and very much enjoy the Alekhine defense against 1.e4 and play the e6 b6 against moves like 1.d4. One last thing to mention is my playstyle. If you are familiar with the chess personality website quiz I am a prodigy type which means. I prefer attacking over positional games, I play agressively vs a solid approach, I use intuition over calculation (this is true for real life as well), and I am calm instead of emotional. If anyone can please reach out to me that would be greatly appreciated. I am looking for someone that is a minimum rating of 1800 that can play and analyze one game a week with me for maybe about an hour. Again I think my main concern is how to maintain positional leads in the middlegame. If you can help me or know anyone else that can my DMs are open.
Play rapids alone for at least 6months. You will be better

Is your tuition strong enough at your level that it doesn't require calculation? (good to still calculate a bit to be sure of your move)
 the QGD or QGA is more solid and in some ways positional compared to E4, E4 holds a lot of responses to it but it has more chances for a tactical play (in my opinion at least) unless your opponent plays solid black responses (in which case I say you may need to learn the common black responses). 
Usually, if you're in a winning lead/position, then you should simplify the board as much as possible while keeping your pieces alive (or the ones you need to keep on the board) which should cause fewer blunders. 
And I think the Sicilian defense may be a good opening to be for black alongside the Alekhine defense, but it does require some knowledge to make it useful.
And for white, perhaps learning the Catalan opening if you still wish for a QG position. 
Although my play style is different from yours.


I like playing a more positional approach (or less tactical) so as to not blunder too much (opening-middle game) and once I secure my advantage enough then I'll start going more aggressive (middle game-end game).


Hey this kirti from india i am about to start my online batch for beginners as well as advance players i have 7 years of experience in playing and have played more than 100 tournments if you are interested plzz do let me know thankyou



"Im between 800-900 for 3-5 minute games" ++ Do not play blitz if you want to improve.

"1100-1250 for 10s" ++ Play 15|10

"1300 for daily" ++ Do not play daily. It is too inhomogeneous.

"make 1 move blunders that completely crushes my position"
++ Always check your intended move is no blunder before you play it.

"I have four opening repertoires" ++ Do not worry about openings.
You do not win or lose because of the opening, but because of tactical mistakes.

"two for white and two for black" ++ Too much.

"For white I play the London, typically in shorter time increments, or the Réti in longer ones which often can transpose into the QGD or QGA." ++ Pick one, so as to accumulate experience.

"As black I play and very much enjoy the Alekhine defense against 1.e4 and play the e6 b6 against moves like 1.d4" ++ OK

"analyze one game a week with me for maybe about an hour"
++ You can analyse your lost games yourself with help of the freely available 3000+ engine.



