
Bishop versus Knight 1 - Complex position


The variation given to move 37 is in my view not precise. Black can simply avoid complication and after 39 hxg5 he dosn´t take back, but plays 39......Ka3 winning. ( To the variation above it could transpose by 39. Kc1 by white.

And second - later on is given ( after the moves 1.Kc2 Bxh2 2.Ne1 Bg3 3.Ng2 the move I tried 3....Bf2 is given as icorrect, that black cannot make progress. It´s not true, although some more complicated as is mentioned in the game. But after 4. Kd2 Kb3 black is also winnig by bringing whit into Zugzwang.

Am I wrong somewhere? Embarassed