
best way to stop Scandinavian?


I was wondering about the best way to play against the Scandinavian defense. any suggestions?


2.exd5 is the only good move.  Then it depends on what Black does.


Against 2...Nf6, don't try to hold on to the pawn.  3.d4!, and then after 3...Nxd5, you play 4.c4! and control the center.  After 3...Bg4, known as the Portuguese Variation, do not play 4.f3.  You are walking right into what Black is looking for.  A quick kill!  Play something safe and sound like 4.Be2 or 4.Nf3.


Against 2...Qxd5, the main line with 3.Nc3 is fine, but I prefer the positional line with 3.Nf3! 


There is a book out there called Beating Unusual Chess Defenses 1.e4 that recommends this line.  It covers the Scandinavian, Alekhine, Pirc, Modern, and Nimzovich's Defense.  I believe it covers other responses to a minor extent, but these are the main ones he covers heavily.


what about 1.e4 d5 2.f3?


how do I insert a game?


2.f3 is indeed a very bright move, if u want to have a bad position at move 2 with white.

The first game with it came with a nice mate :

But nowadays, we would play like this :

2.f3 is just ridiculous, hindering f3 for Ng1 and development in general, weakening white king...




and black resigns


thx for suggestions


As Grandmaster Eduard Gufeld  used to say about an early f3 by White: "Ask the Ng1 how he feels about that move!"


I must say poucin, I sometimes wonder why we even answer these questions.

These 1200-rated rejects ask a question, we give them legitimate answers, and then they cherry-pick one instance where Black plays like a total retard, and think that validates their nonsense!

If the 1200-rated reject thinks he knows everything, why even ask IM's like you or Experts like me?




Qwerty129's example game is probably the funniest chess game I've seen is years