
Blackburne-Hartlaub gambit


Or, as I like to call it, the Beastburn.

This is a game played by two good players. I wanted to know if anyone on this site has used this gambit and has had success. Also if you don't know about the gambit a similar position can be set up even if white plays D4. I can post a game where this is done if people want to see it.

Hey i love this game you posted, know thats an old thread but if u have more dont hold on postinghappy.png


I play the englund vs d4 sometimes its a lot of fun!


Black is busted with white's set up Be2-Nd4, with Nc3 before Nd4 or not.

2 samples :

I prefer Nd4 first.

There is no really room for improvment for black.

This is hope chess playing this as black (same with Englund gambit anyway lol).


haha you are right it is hope chess, but on my level i do not encounter the best responses for white a lot so i want to spice it up a bithappy.png


I saw games of IM Greg Shahade (5min blitz ICC) in which he lost quite horribly against the same opponent twice in a row in the Blackburn-Hartlaub gambit so i thought i give it a try against 1.d4 - doesnt mean its playable over the board.