
Defending the early queen blitz


Not sure why, but the past week or so I’ve been matched with several players who did this. They move one pawn then wham! slam their queen across the board. Typically, I find these players are counting on their queen to get them an early mate, so I just swap queens with them and play the game from there. I’m curious what alternate methods one might use to punish and discourage this behavior. The pic is from a game tonight where this happened.

I don’t think you should necessarily be looking to trade queens (unless you feel threatened)... see if you can’t find opportunities to gain tempo by threatening their queen to make them waste time and regret bringing it out. The reason it isn’t advised to move your queen out early is because it’s a target. In that position I’d just play Nc6 and see what happens, but at any point you could play g6 and force the queen to move, or look to threaten it later on in various other ways.
I played Nf6. Of course he played Qe+. I traded queens and played from there. We eventually ended up in a draw with nothing but the king on the board. Lol.
Qxe5+. Stupid keyboard
Oops, yes you’ll want to guard e5 first, but good to get a draw. Sounds like it makes you uncomfortable with their queen out, try to view at as their weakness, you can threaten it with any of your pieces (other than your queen) and they are forced to move it
Yeah. I see the logic in Nc6 to defend e5 and thus blocking the attack. Next time this happens I’ll do that. Thanks, guys!

Play after 2.Qh5 Nc6 if Bc4  just play g6 and you won't lose a pawn or the game after g6 just play its the best.


Use those type of early queen moves for your advantage. 

Protect your pawn first. Then develop pieces and attack queen at the same time. They will waste moves to relocate their queen.

You will be ahead of a few moves in middlegame.

@Warwolf001 Knight f6 drops the e pawn


@blueemu Thanks, that’s a great way to defend against an early queen blitz. You’ll protect your pieces and develop quicker than your opponent


@warwolf001 I see you mean knight c6 not f6
Mortalitis wrote:

Not sure why, but the past week or so I’ve been matched with several players who did this. They move one pawn then wham! slam their queen across the board. Typically, I find these players are counting on their queen to get them an early mate, so I just swap queens with them and play the game from there. I’m curious what alternate methods one might use to punish and discourage this behavior. The pic is from a game tonight where this happened.

To punish it, you just have to use this chace to develop with a tempo. Don't trade queens. Use his early queen as an opportunity to attack and develop at the same time. 

Always remember, development is your asset. The more your pieces are developed, the more fire power you have to come up with better tactical combinations. 

This is one of the main reasons they tell you not to bring out your queen early in the game.