
Durkin Opening:Unusual and Shocking!


The plan of the Durkin Opening.I believe it to be a surprisingly OK opening.What do you think?


There really isn't anything to have an opinion about. After 1.Na3?!, black can play any first move and then probably any second move. 1.Na3 doesn't prepare or prevent anything. There is no force or restraint. It means nothing at all. Is it winning? No. Is it losing? No. Does it challenge? No. Is it exciting? No. Is it different?... NO! Is it playable? Yes! Is it recommendable? Of course not! 


What did you achieve in the 1..d5 line? Your knight is placed badly and you played c3. While black made two useful developing moves and can do whatever he wants.


The first example, you gave up your advantage as white by moving the knight twice and black most likely will lead in development after its next move. In the second example, white gave up the center. I don't see how this is a good opening for white.


I'm hoping to receive this shock the next time I have Black.


God, don't people half talk a load of crap. 1.Na3 is only a first move and people just write off because they can based upon certain dogma they learnt from 2nd edition MCO. How on earth does anyone know what is going to be played by Black after 1.Na3? You don't and you can't.

After all Vadim Zvjaginev has tried 1.e4 c5 2.Na3 in the past and i think I would trust him more rated at 2648 than any no name on


I met once a man in a tournemant who played both knight to c2 and f2 only he did it rather complycated this is not so bad.

The knight can end up on 3 places c4 or e3 or c2 whitch are rather unusual places and can give especialy in a blitz game the advantage if you know the positions.

Does white give away the first move advantage some say yes others say no it manipulates black in playing e4 to attack the knight with the bishop and gets this way the knight on c4 (and after white plays e4 he can escape to e3 covering f5 and d5). If black playes d5 white has the time to play c3 and Nc2 where the knight covers d4 and white can try together with the kings knight to get a knight on d4 strongly in the center.

Is it grandmaster material I think not but it is definativaly playable and allthough the knight moves twice the unusual place of the knight will certanly compensate it.


dont you get bored of playing e4 and d4


After those opening moves, I wouldn't be smirkin', I'd be shirkin' the Durkin cos it's not workin'.