
dynamic openings vs e4

I would want a second opening to my French against e4, i would love to get recommended a course so i can deep-dive. I want it dynamic and with complicated positions.

Play one of the french sicilians, it'll pair perfectly. The alapin and mccutcheon anti-sicilians will even transpose into the french... I recommend starting with the Four Knights, it's one of the most active sicilians. Myself, I play the Taimanov... but against some sidelines I play a french, just as an off weapon.

Also... if you can play either a french or a french sicilian this unlocks a good line in the horwitz against the zuckertort - 1. d4 e6 2. Nf3 c5.

is there any other sicilians that four knights, i have looked into it but i dont like nxc6 main line

It might not really be totally sound, but for a dynamic surprise second-string the Basman-Sale Sicilian 1. e4, c5; 2. Nf3, e6; 3. d4, cd; 4. Nxd4, Bc5 might be worth a look. I toyed with it many a long year ago and got some interesting, sharp, unbalanced positions. Too sharply critical for my declining faculties These Days though so I'm not up-to-date on it. I'm not aware of any online course on this system, but there's a book by Bromznik and Giddins (published by New in Chess) called "The Lazy Man's Sicilian".

Luskojs wrote:
I would want a second opening to my French against e4, i would love to get recommended a course so i can deep-dive. I want it dynamic and with complicated positions.

As a French player myself for 29 years, your best bets, if you want something dynamic that a French player would actually understand, it would be the Taimanov Sicilian.

If you ever want something similar to the Exchange French, the Petroff is the way to go.

Myself, I play the Taimanov... but against some sidelines I play a french, just as an off weapon.

How do you play against the c4 Maroczy-Bind? Isnt it very hard to deal with as black in the Taimanov?


I'd recommend the Sicilian, as well, since you want complicated and dynamic.

Though I would recommend going with a ...d6 Sicilian, rather than an ...e6 one. And/or perhaps a ...g6 Sicilian.

My reasoning: being exposed to more varied pawn structures (instead of seeking defenses with similar pawn structures to the ones you already know) can pull you out of your comfort zone and generate more learning - which will (ideally) make you a stronger, more versatile player in the long run.

AndiK87 wrote:
Myself, I play the Taimanov... but against some sidelines I play a french, just as an off weapon.

How do you play against the c4 Maroczy-Bind? Isnt it very hard to deal with as black in the Taimanov?

People usually play the maroczy bind against the Kan, not so much the Taimanov, and never against the Four Knights. I generally just avoid the Kan.

Against the Taimanov, after c4 the move Qb6 is good for black, it gives black enough initiative where white can't really get setup and solidified enough for a long term bind, the game is almost equal, and you don't see this line at masters level. For example:

Luskojs wrote:
is there any other sicilians that four knights, i have looked into it but i dont like nxc6 main line




Dynamic and unbalanced?

A Heroic Defense in the Sicilian Najdorf - Kids, don't try this at home! - Chess Forums -

Is feuerstacks course on chessable worth it, im planning to buy it but i want some advice first

Sicilian, obviously.