
END your 1.d4/London/closed game/positional woes forever with 1.d4 e5!? 2.dxe5 d6 3.exd6 Bxd6!


I have searched and searched and searched for EXACTLY this opening for over a decade's worth of despising the stonewall straightjacket. It's called the englund gambit > hartlaub/charlick gambit and it ROCKS!

here's my ONLY chess game today taking my highest rated pelt in it so far in just 9 moves!

the thematic concepts are MOSTLY pretty easy to understand and visualize for a tactician as "yeah... that's TOTALLY logical". I have previously DREAMED of almost exactly this opening. I remember asking for a gambit that gets rid of the central pawns for mobility and initiative and this is EXACTLY that!
if you're struggling against 1.d4 and the london, watch this video!!!

enter the moves into a trainer, learn them, and you're ready to start kicking butt RIGHT OUT THE GATE!

look at those stats vs DECADES experience in the stonewall! My stats are slowly IMPROVING too as I'm getting used to it. I've barely studied it. It's just soooo intuitive. Your results might not be as good as mine if you don't attack like I do, but ANY tactician should be able to find opportunities here. even when opponents confuse me, I'm finding just staying calm and developing and/or pressuring will eventually provide me with a juicy target or trap.

my tactical understanding has led to most of my games having around an 85% accuracy rating. in fact, the longer games go, the higher my accuracy does... even up to 80 moves where I got a 92! I'm guessing it's because stalefish REALLY hates the englund and rates 2...e5!? as a 2 pawn blunder, so it takes moves to dilute that sentiment. it rated that game as just 78% accurate, yet had NO improvements to offer beyond "don't play the englund!"

I'm almost conflicted about sharing it, because the more it catches on, the more white's going to figure out best lines like black has done in the smith morra gambit which used to be SOOOOO easy to play when I was a 1500, before quitting a while, and negate every trap and tactic with GM approved lines

I made one opponent who let me keep developing threats against his queen until I chased it off defending against the classic ...Nxc2+ rook fork, so he decided to try the same thing on my 0-0-0 side and ended up getting his queen trapped to boot. I missed Rg8 at first and pulled it to f8 to protect my king, but once he brought his bishop to join the party, ...Rg8 trapped queen on that file with all escape routes blocked or covered. 11 moves in, he logged out and made me wait for it.

there's some REAL psychological damage there!

I love it. If you want to play 1.e4 as black... this is basically how you do it.

as a FURTHER sign that this defense was MADE FOR ME, I quit play after this game because I was so satisfied that I THOUGHT I was 100% accurate (at least following the video's system) and wanted to mic drop and share here.

so... just for kicks, i decided to use CHESS as today's wordle clue despite wasting a square on a 2nd S and beat that IN TWO! that's a +100 chess game AND a wordle in just 11 moves total!

that's the universe trying to tell me something!




I'll keep my center pawns, thanks.

I think 1 d4 ... e5 just about loses by force. Certainly the way people here try to play it, they just lose.

I love playing against the London these days. Even since I learned that black just plays Nf6, c5. d5, Nc6, Qb6, all of a sudden the London just got better for black.

I am all for anyone having an opinion but just about loses by force? I think Lev Zilbermintz might have something to say, his analysis on 1.d4 e5 2.dxe5 Nc6 3.Nf3 Nge7 is pretty compelling...


2:1 stats don't lie.

like I said in another thread... all the way up to 2000 rated and white STILL isn't even = yet in ANY line.

this ALLEGED refutation you speak of simply does not exist in the real world, even at the 2000 level as seen above.


I've won my last six 1.e4 d4s in a row. If you don't live and breathe tactics, this opening isn't for you, but if you do, it's an all you can eat buffet of "defend yourself now!" on your opponents.

simply put, it shifts MY GAMES from closed & positional crap I despise and to open and aggressive turf I thrive on and that is the OPPOSITE of what most 1.d4 players WANT!

out of their comfort zone and into mine with plans and concepts I can easily understand. i love my new dance partner!


10 minute games against -50pts and up players, virtually none of whom are finding the right solutions where i'm playing games at close to a crazy 85% accuracy average and that's hobbled by stalefish's contempt for gambits. the longer a game goes, the higher my accuracy goes.

it's an opening that speaks my language, mobility and target acquiring. even having to regroup is relatively painless as there's always the next target to pressure.

it's the most purely tactical opening i think I'm playing and/or my understanding of the basic simple strategies is as close to "positional understanding" as i'll ever get.

it takes giving 2 pawns up (and I'll remind EVERYONE one last time, I DESPISE PAWNS, even my own get in the way pawns.... hold on... i'll show you EXACTLY what i mean in a game i lost on time pressure (a RARE RARE thing!)


OK... this isn't it. but it's another example of someone driving me nuts playing hide and go eff yourself.

I hate pawns! they gotta go!

It was this game that i blundered under time pressure

same player exploiting the same positional ineptitude. that's why minor piece sacking "can opener attacks" as i like to call them are a big part of MY kind of endgame and they ARE a feature of the hartlaub charlick which is precisely dialed into my exact style of play.
i have ZERO answer to how to finish a hide and go seek king other than to sack my own material to get it out of the way for a simple K+R corridor. I'm painfully aware own my own "more vulnerable than my opponent corridor DESPITE superior forces. i'm trying and failing to remove the defender. looking at the game now, i should have just diagonal checked and traded queens if I couldn't remove the king as defender to end all threats of counterplay. it's easier to see stuff after the fact with all the time in the world
I was raging hard in both these games. the "won game" I blundered was because it was exactly what i despise about closed games and hypermoderns. i'm a "bring it out in the open beee!" kind of player. that's all there is to it. that's MY STYLE. (and my weakness) that en prise pawn on b6 was really triggering my PTSD too.
you can hate my woman all you want, but she's good in the SACK (pun intended! get it?)
Optimissed wrote:

Are these bullet games or something? In bullet you get the familiarity factor. You probably win on time. I would beat you seven out of ten times with that opening, but not in bullet or 5 mins blitz. All you're doing is exploiting your familiarity with the opening, on the clock.

i've only played 30 games! my opponents are taking me out of book, but that's where plan Bs come in and regrouping to new targets happens.

you're phrasing it wrong... it's not my familiarity with the opening, it's my UNDERSTANDING of its attacking resources that I play closer to 100% accurate after you ignore stalefish's score sandbagging accuracy over the englund.

hey ANY TIME anybody wants t 1.d4 me, i'll do it all day, or call it quits and learn the GMainlines. right now, i'm doing my thing EVERY GAME and punishing pawn pushers left and right with PIECE PLAY out in the open on electric roller skates


THIS GAME wasn't my "familiarity" with the opening, but my AFFINITY going for it with my favorite can opener attack tactic and lo and behold, even STALEFISH sees getting those 2 pawns out of the way is worth a point more than pawns. I "blundered" with a6 because i didn't want to face my own can opener trade after Bxc6

I see this game as a simple "i got my mobility on!" win because there's so much potential pressure and piling on. i didn't calculate an endgame. i just liked how open I could get the king and how fast I could bring re-enforcements. this is a chess game. forcing my queen to d7 instead of e7 was never part of MY plans here, but a necessity. simple common sense...
"don't let that bishop can open the castle you want to get into"
8.h3?! and what I loved about this opening FROM THE BEGINNING is that both of my bishops are lined up at it perfectly. that is my kind of positional concept and if you're all 1/2 the chess players you're talking yourselves up to be, then you should be careful castling into crosshairs!
the knight's tied to defending against 11...Qh3# mate on move 10, white's bishops are BOTH out of the game and unable to do anything about ...Nf6 maybe with a side order of g5. the whole POINT of playing this opening is to reach positions exactly like THIS! down a minor piece in material, but "up a piece" in activity. this is what gambiteers do! this is exactly what i love... the ability to just say "screw it! take my bishop for a mere 2 pawns! I'm only down 2 already!" and keep attacking. 
13.Qe2?? trying to can open on me and grab my knight with check is too little too late BECAUSE the charlick is that much faster. that, and maybe the pressure made white miscalculate his king's exit
i don't agree with stalefish's assessment of 8...a6. it removes pressure so I can mobilize my knight or offers a trade where i can undermine my opponent's castle with more ready forces than his. that's what INITIATIVE is all about, and AGAIN, getting those central pawns OUT OF THE WAY by move 3 is a FEATURE for me "adding initiative" in the form of full piece mobility and owning the center files like kings gambit on f and smith morra e-c
i hate to shatter your bubble, but it IS easier to attack than defend... ESPECIALLY in this juicy manna from heaven line.
not only that, but black is ahead 2 pieces in development... EXACTLY the kind of thing that makes a game DOUBLE EDGED and tactics friendly. ahead 2 pieces...
hey! why not sack one to open the king's castle up before he wakes up naked!
i know that much about king safety

anyone wants to play, let's do it! 10m only! let's see my 10m rating here...

1418 in 10 minute, but if I ONLY play 1.d4 e5!? 2.dxe5 d6 3.exd6 Bxd6, that number will go WAY UP. none of you big talkers will DARE step in and accept this gambit, but I'm all for PLAYING SOME CHESS in whatever sidelines and using the tools I have to solve my problems tactically with no more effing pawn pushing... well not slav wall level dullsville anyways

I got about 2 hours here.

let's do this


nope... can't match the 2047. can't realistically beat him or her at the same level I am my 1700ish peers. of course you'll see the implications of seeming right moves that aren't and the correct defense to weather the not enough pawns storm.

this isn't for candidates so much.

I'd be honored to experience a main line spanking

what your 2000 level understanding of chess, especially positional concepts where I can learn a simple pawn ending out of 3 different speaking chinese chess books, is to you, the charlick is to me. as perfect a tactical weapon as is possible against 1.d4, ESPECIALLY coming from the stonewall with a rage against pawns in my way bent.

even stockfish agrees with "sorry charlie" can opener attacks SOME TIMES


5:11 here


if you look at the 2000 stats, it isn't happening in the real world

from 1.d4 e5!? white's results are only 3-4% better at 1800 with a 6% edge at 2000 and so on. that's a long way from REFUTING anything. it's proving the pawns are a liability the more perfect the play and nothing more.

i'm 3000% OK with that. my stonewall stats were hideous because i couldn't do my thing EVER in that abomination of a tomb I still have to TRY and play (hate the staunton!!! arrgh!!! hahahaha!) against everything but 1.e4, 1.g4 and now WHEW! 1.d4.

I think I'll have a fair amount of fun with the albin counter for 2.c4 too. I always wanted to play it, but couldn't get a tactical repertoire suggestion that wasn't (NO THANK YOU!) fianchetto based, but now, I can relegate its less sound buttocks to sideline duties with the charlick as my main line.

there's MORE tactics out there to be had.

tactics tactics tactics!


i think stats bear out that I'm a better than average attacker (because I'm really bad at positional, so i'm not winning many games there)

i play both sides of the blackmar diemer gambit via the scandinavian.

as white, my 1. e4 d5 2. d4 dxe4 stats are 51% wins and 38% losses in 86 games

the 1600-2000 average is 51% wins and only 46% losses in 1.1m games

but as black, my stats are 56% wins and 39% losses in 18 games, even MORE "above average", and I haven't studied the BDG as black AT ALL. i just accept it and see where the tactics or prevention thereof are needed and let the battle sort it out

I can show where all my bad stats go against the french and hypermoderns, where I can't get my attack on.

the more tactical & double edged a game is, the more i'm in my element.

I'm at peace with my positional limitations. fortunately, there's booking up, when a line isn't too complicated to be memory friendly


London System is so underrated


it is not a regular opening and less see it in games


I love to hang onto my pawns. No way in hell im playing this! Time to play my very boring positional kings indian defense!!


Actually the king's indian defense is kinda misunderstood, Its the siccilian defense against d4.


op has this sentiment that openings are tactical and aggressive or they are passive and boring

this one thing makes all these statements hard to read

"book openings are all bad and achieve nothing" from another thread

really? bad??

positional aggression exists??

Ilampozhil25 написал:

op has this sentiment that openings are tactical and aggressive or they are passive and boring

this one thing makes all these statements hard to read

"book openings are all bad and achieve nothing" from another thread

really? bad??

positional aggression exists??

Positional aggresion is real. You are constantly threatening to make your opponents position worse.