
EXPOSE your repertoire



e5: Vienna

Sicilian: Rossolimo against Nc6, main lines against d6, a weird home brew system against e6

French: Tarrasch

Caro-Kann: The Advance Tal Bg5 trap line, I am intending to shift to the Fantasy when I get some study time free (probably in like 2027)

Pirc/Modern: Austrian Attack

Alekhine: Four Pawns

Scandinavian: Main lines against Qxd5, Bb5+/Be2 against Nf6


Classical Sicilian against e4

Nimzo-Indian, Vienna against anti-Nimzo.

c6 line against London

Bb4/Bxc3 and a Rossolimo-esque idea against the English.


The memorization of opening sequences is vastly over-rated by most low-to-mid strength players. They would improve TWICE as fast if they put that same amount of effort into study of endgames, central Pawn configurations (and what they imply for middle-game planning) and a diligent review of their own lost games, WITHOUT using computer assistance.