
French Tarrasch

Hey guys, my first post here. I've been interested in the Tarrasch French lately and I wanna prepare a line of the Tarrasch against my French Defence coach. What do u guys think is the most solid French Tarrasch line? Thank you for any help!
PicklePawn926 wrote:
Hey guys, my first post here. I've been interested in the Tarrasch French lately and I wanna prepare a line of the Tarrasch against my French Defence coach. What do u guys think is the most solid French Tarrasch line? Thank you for any help!


As one that has played the French for years on end, and being a 2100 player over the board, I can safely tell you that the Tarrasch is not White's best line at all.  Black gets fairly easy equality with 3...c5 in particular.  Evgeny Sveshnikov harshly considers the French a mistake - obviously I don't agree with that - but he also labels the Tarrasch as "an error", which I do agree with.


What I would recommend you play depends on your desire to spend years on end studying what to do against the French versus having a sound line against it and still be able to get an advantage out of the position.


If you are willing to spend the next 5 years of your life on the French, play 3.Nc3

If you prefer not to spend the next 5 years of your life on the French, play 3.e5


A new book is actually coming out on the latter this summer!


And again, as one that plays the French as Black numerous times along with having played 3.Nc3, 3.Nd2, and 3.e5 as White, I can safely say that 3.Nd2 and 3.exd5 give White ZERO advantage with correct play by Black, and that 3.Nc3 and 3.e5 both give Black problems - different in nature from each other, but both lead to problems for Black all the same!


And here we go tongue.png


Tiviakov in his lastest chessbase dvd on tarrasch considers 3...a6, 3....d5xe4 and 3...c5 4pxp Qxp as the most solid lines for black. Strangely not 4...pxp 5Nf3 Nf6 who would have thought this?!

Thanks for all th help guys

I've seen games where Black played 3 . . . h6 against the Tarrasch. Can someone explain to me the point of this move?

pfren wrote:

The book Fighting the French: A New Concept by GM Denis Yevseev ( I suspect he understands chess a wee bit better than ThrillerFan)


LMAO IM pfren is unable to make a single post without bashing someone. blitz.png

pfren wrote:
Yigor έγραψε:
pfren wrote:

The book Fighting the French: A New Concept by GM Denis Yevseev ( I suspect he understands chess a wee bit better than ThrillerFan)


LMAO IM pfren is unable to make a single post without bashing someone.

Nope... only ignorant guys. And they usually like it.


Too much pretentious. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven, - Jesus Christ.


jengaias:  Hahaha LoL Thank U! wink.png


It's not the effective quantity of knowledges (especially in a game theory) that counts but the attitude. Someone, who considers his/her neigbours being ignorant, is definitely the most ignorant of all. lessons.pngblitz.png


jengaias: I said it not to U (I think that U understand the meaning of word humble) but to those here who overinflated their ego, continuously boasting and trying to bash others in all posts.


jengaias: Yes, the ignorance in various domains is a common fact. But it's not really important as far as this ignorance doesn't concern the serious metaphysical aspects of human's destiny like good/evil, the life, death, afterlife and so on.


I hate to break this to you Yigor but in a chess forum, people are more interested in those with chess knowledge. Your instant judgements of which lines are "optimal" based on database stats, or software numbers are more comical than useful to experienced chess players.

TwoMove wrote:

I hate to break this to you Yigor but in a chess forum, people are more interested in those with chess knowledge. Your instant judgements of which lines are "optimal" based on database stats, or software numbers are more comical than useful to experienced chess players.

So then the question is where did Yigor do that in this particular thread? He did it with regards to a Sicilian line in another thread, but I'm not sure why this is being brought up here


No Yigor didn't make the "optimal" argument in this thread but there are many where he did. Here just questioned the contribution of an IM.

TwoMove wrote:

I hate to break this to you Yigor but in a chess forum, people are more interested in those with chess knowledge. Your instant judgements of which lines are "optimal" based on database stats, or software numbers are more comical than useful to experienced chess players.


U shouldn't speak for everybody, who is interested in what etc. This is not a chess academy where there are only professors and students but a general game site with all kinds of players. AFAIK it's not forbidden by to be comical. happy.png If a starter of any thread is not interested in my "optimal" comments, he/she can just tell me and I'll stop to post in that thread. It's as simple as two cents.  


By all means carry on, they are a great laugh. If by the off chance you were attempting to be helpful, which I thought unlikely, you now know arn't, at least to me.

TwoMove wrote:

By all means carry on, they are a great laugh. If by the off chance you were attempting to be helpful, which I thought unlikely, you now know arn't, at least to me.


All right, I won't post in your threads.

pfren wrote:
Yigor έγραψε:
pfren wrote:

The book Fighting the French: A New Concept by GM Denis Yevseev ( I suspect he understands chess a wee bit better than ThrillerFan)


LMAO IM pfren is unable to make a single post without bashing someone.

Nope... only ignorant guys. And they usually like it.


Speak for yourself about being ignorant, Greek Clown!

TwoMove wrote:

Tiviakov in his lastest chessbase dvd on tarrasch considers 3...a6, 3....d5xe4 and 3...c5 4pxp Qxp as the most solid lines for black. Strangely not 4...pxp 5Nf3 Nf6 who would have thought this?!


The only problem with 4...Qxd5 instead of 4...exd5 is that it, like the Dragon, has been figured out all the way to a draw.  If a draw is all you want/need, that line's fine for Black.


I've never said that 4...exd5 5.Nf3 Nf6 is the "only line" for Black that is really strong.  I simply use that line, along with lines against the Korchnoi Gambit for when White plays 4.Ngf3, as my reasoning as to why the Tarrasch is weak.  The fact that Black has other legit options as well that fully equalize easily just enhances the argument that the Tarrasch (Trash?) is weak comparatively speaking to 3.Nc3.


If all you want is an equal game, might as well play the Exchange.  White gets nothing, just like in the Tarrasch, but it's much less of a headache for White as there's less to know!  Why put yourself through more torture for the same result as something else that is light years easier?