
G6 Modern Defence or E6/B6 Defence


I have been doing some research but am unable to find our which is "better" the G6 Modern Defence or E6/B6 Defence. I am looking for something that is good overall such as tactics, attacks, pawn structures, positions etc., and something that will help even in the higher rating range.


Both are OK.


you can play 1.g6 and 1.b6 agaisnt almost anything and it can simplify slightly some things, but you have to understand that the nuances of different cousin defenses matter.
a kid, modern, pirc, and dragon sicilian have very different flavors despite surface similarities, likewise as a 1.b6 player agaisnt almost anything, i can tell you that, QID, owen's , english defense and some of the early f5 lines with b6 in them have completely different feels.


On 1) e4 b6 2) d4 Bb7 they should have this variant in mind 3) Bd3 f5 4) exf5 Bxg2 5) Qh5+ g6 6) fxg6 Nf6 7) gxh7+ Nxh5 8) Bg6 # so probably they will play 3) Bd3

Alchessblitz wrote:

On 1) e4 b6 2) d4 Bb7 they should have this variant in mind 3) Bd3 f5 4) exf5 Bxg2 5) Qh5+ g6 6) fxg6 Nf6 7) gxh7+ Nxh5 8) Bg6 # so probably they will play 3) Bd3

its kind of pointless advise. No one plays 3.f5 in the owens, even if they did, , they would play 6...bg7 instead



I play both king's fianchetto and queen's fianchetto. I agree with #3. The choice in your case would depend on the type of middle game you like. But have in mind 1...g6 has a higher reputation than 1...b6 amongst opening theoreticians. If you are interested in my experience,

I wrote on 1...g6 in the following post you might check out:

On the other hand I wrote also a post on 1. b3, which you may think as 1...b6 a tempo up:

Good luck!


Play the modern then. Far more resources on the modern than b6 lines. But Gotham chess does have a course on the b6.

Practical-Play wrote:

b6 is nonsense against e4 maybe decent against other openings but g6 is good vs everything

g6 imo


e6b6 is easier to play and less sharp but is less challenging to face cause of that

Against queenside flank openings, 1... b6 is better. Against knight moves, 1... b6 is about even with 1... g6. Against anything else viable, 1... g6 is better.

The reasoning is simple, if not obvious. 1... b6 is an almost irredeemable first move. Black gets no closer to castling, Black doesn't put any real pressure on the center, and Black doesn't develop a piece. The only way this can be justified is if White ALSO decides to do so with 1. b4, 1. b3, 1. c4 or 1. c3. Now, obviously, Black would be better off in those circumstances by fighting tooth and nail for the opportunity to gain the whole center as Black, but playing 1... b6 is at least somewhat viable in these circumstances, as otherwise White gets a dream setup and Black gets... well... I'd say 'the less said the better' but there isn't anything to say about what Black gets.

Meanwhile, in 1... g6, Black loses no time to castle, gets a good structure around the castled king, puts pressure on d4 safely, and has ideas of throwing in a d5 of their own for good measure.

Ethan_Brollier wrote:

Against queenside flank openings, 1... b6 is better. Against knight moves, 1... b6 is about even with 1... g6. Against anything else viable, 1... g6 is better.

The reasoning is simple, if not obvious. 1... b6 is an almost irredeemable first move. Black gets no closer to castling, Black doesn't put any real pressure on the center, and Black doesn't develop a piece. The only way this can be justified is if White ALSO decides to do so with 1. b4, 1. b3, 1. c4 or 1. c3. Now, obviously, Black would be better off in those circumstances by fighting tooth and nail for the opportunity to gain the whole center as Black, but playing 1... b6 is at least somewhat viable in these circumstances, as otherwise White gets a dream setup and Black gets... well... I'd say 'the less said the better' but there isn't anything to say about what Black gets.

Meanwhile, in 1... g6, Black loses no time to castle, gets a good structure around the castled king, puts pressure on d4 safely, and has ideas of throwing in a d5 of their own for good measure.

g6 bg7 doesnt really attack anything though. bb7 attacks e4 and in fact, black can continue to put pressure on the center for like the first 7 moves.