
Hippopotamus Defence


We need a guide for white on how to trash it. Here is a game where Vladamir Kramnik destroys Hikaru Nakamura's Hippo (from 2013):


imsighked2 wrote:

We need a guide for white on how to trash it. Here is a game where Vladamir Kramnik destroys Hikaru Nakamura's Hippo (from 2013):


Hikaru made some mistakes in this game. Ask Tiger Hillarp about it.

Eric_Briffoz wrote:
imsighked2 wrote:

We need a guide for white on how to trash it. Here is a game where Vladamir Kramnik destroys Hikaru Nakamura's Hippo (from 2013):


Hikaru made some mistakes in this game. Ask Tiger Hillarp about it.

I've read his book.

imsighked2 wrote:

We need a guide for white on how to trash it. Here is a game where Vladamir Kramnik destroys Hikaru Nakamura's Hippo (from 2013):


This is a case of Kramnik beating Nakamura; not a case of the Hippo being refuted.

There are already several articles and videos claiming to show how to beat the Hippo. I haven't seen one yet that really works.

wormrose wrote:
imsighked2 wrote:

We need a guide for white on how to trash it. Here is a game where Vladamir Kramnik destroys Hikaru Nakamura's Hippo (from 2013):


This is a case of Kramnik beating Nakamura; not a case of the Hippo being refuted.

There are already several articles and videos claiming to show how to beat the Hippo. I haven't seen one yet that really works.

I have yet to see a video or game where white plays 1. e4 and beats the Hippo. One of the problems I've found is how to find Hippo games in the database.


Hippos are notoriously hard to find in databases. This is because it takes 10 moves to complete the fully grown thick skinned Hippo and there are so many different move orders which can be used to arrive at the same formation. 

And a Hippo player might take an early departure from the full formal set-up due to a threat or an opportunity. It's hard to say just when it is still considered a Hippo.

I have asked database operators to create a search utility when the user could input the formation of only the black pieces (or white). They all seem to think it's a good idea, but nobody has done it yet.

imsighked2 a écrit :
wormrose wrote:
imsighked2 wrote:

We need a guide for white on how to trash it. Here is a game where Vladamir Kramnik destroys Hikaru Nakamura's Hippo (from 2013):


This is a case of Kramnik beating Nakamura; not a case of the Hippo being refuted.

There are already several articles and videos claiming to show how to beat the Hippo. I haven't seen one yet that really works.

I have yet to see a video or game where white plays 1. e4 and beats the Hippo. One of the problems I've found is how to find Hippo games in the database.


Yes, that is one of the videos I was referring to above. From around 2:53 until 19:40 Black is playing the Modern Defense in the video. So the video really has practically nothing to do with the Hippo.

The video was on youtube and has since been removed for copyright. I can't watch it here due to my membership level so if anyone would post the analysis here that would be welcome.

imsighked2 wrote:

Here is a game where Vladamir Kramnik destroys Hikaru Nakamura's Hippo (from 2013):

I ran an engine analysis on this game and it seems Black's troubles started with 13...dxc5?! when 13...f4! was recommended by Stockfish. What do you think?

wormrose wrote:
imsighked2 wrote:

Here is a game where Vladamir Kramnik destroys Hikaru Nakamura's Hippo (from 2013):

I ran an engine analysis on this game and it seems Black's troubles started with 13...dxc5?! when 13...f4! was recommended by Stockfish. What do you think?

Well, indeed wormrose is right: black did not play in the best manner in that game. 

After 12.c5 , black should have played the powerful 12...Nf6! (Opening the queen side lanes with 12...bxc5?! is too dangerous).  After that, white has 3 possibilities: 13. exf5, 13.Bb5+ or 13.c6

After 13.exf5-gxf5 and white has to take care of f5-f4 winning the Be3, but also he has to take care about the d5 hanging pawn. If white plays Bb5+, then black safely moves the king to f8! And when white plays c6, black's bishop finds new life on c8, while the queenside structure is blocked. 

Anyway, these positions are very complex for both sides. 

Definitely, the hippo is not a bad opening. GM Tiger Hillarp (in The "Modern Tiger", Chapter 5) wrote:

"I believe few players have ever taken the Hippo seriously, but I intend to show this point of view to be mistaken. There is nothing wrong with the Hippopotamus!".

Interesting opening.
VicountVonJames wrote:
Interesting opening.

That's correct, it is as interesting as the Modern defence. 

Eric_Briffoz wrote:
VicountVonJames wrote:
Interesting opening.

That's correct, it is as interesting as the Modern defence. 

Although the Hippo is an independent opening system, I treat it as a variation of the Modern Defense., I don't usually start out to play a Hippo, I play the Modern Defense and if the circumstances arise to Hippopotamize, then I'm glad to play a Hippo.


"The Hippo is an unexplored jungle and only one of you will usually make it out alive . very few draws ."

(Review on

Easy Guide to the Hippo Attack & Defence"



Here is a game for those of you who think the Hippo is weak. Please note who is playing White. Yes, that is Magnus!


wormrose wrote:

Here is a game for those of you who think the Hippo is weak. Please note who is playing White. Yes, that is Magnus!


Beautiful! Thanks a lot for sharing this one !! 😊👍👍


Carlsen in 2007. What was he playing there?


Looks like blitz?