
How to Train on Openings?



I am looking for a good way to train on various openings and opening lines.  I watch a lot of videos but I feel like forcing myself to respond to openings on the board is the best way to really learn and have things stick.  Ideally I would like a tool (program/software/website) where I can choose an opening to start for either white or black and then have the program/engine tell me when I respond incorrectly to a line. Also if I could customize a repetoire, that would be desirable. I use a Mac and I have an iPad. I did see one program for iPad called "Chess Opening Trainer" but the reviews are mixed.

Thanks for your suggestions!



Well, there's Chess Position Trainer, which is pretty much exactly what you want, but you would have to come up with a way to make it work on Mac.  I don't know of an equivalent for mac, but maybe someone else will be along to help.

CPT is miraculous for the function you want.  Has changed my chess life.


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Chess Openings Wizard (formerly called Bookup, by Mike Leahy) is another software program with a training feature. You can train your repertoire in sequential lines or random lines, and you select how many times in a row you need to get it correct before it moves to the next line.

Chessable is online and has some of the same kind of features.