
Hyperaccelerated Dragon question


Why doesn't the knight on c6 get taken? 


taking on c6 is a mistake the knight on d4 is a more central knight and is better also if white takes then black can recapture with his b-pawn not only capturing towards the center and opening the b-file but also opening the diagonal for the LSB


I don't like the line you showed played by white, I think if you can ever get a maroczy bind, why not go for it?  I know you are talking about playing from the black side, but I'd plan for playing against this variation as well.

Conzipe wrote:

That is somewhat out of topic abiogenisis. Accelerated dragon players should be happy when facing the maroczy, otherwise they are theoretically better off playing the normal dragon. 

Being happy to face the maroczy doesn't lower it's effectiveness.  Plus I don't know if he's just learning the hyperdragon now, and if he is it is a good thing to point out that structure.  


The maroczy bind is positionally powerful but if the black player knows what they are doing they will get sufficient counterplay and will probably have a good game


I've played Nxc6 in different sicilian lines in tournaments just to get out of book and play chess.  I'm sure it's less ambitious because masters don't play it, but I don't mind :p

Elite_Spartan wrote:

Why doesn't the knight on c6 get taken? 


If Nxc6, then bxc6 and black brings more pawns to the center for a good pawn majority.

Also, black doesn't have to play nf6 right away, he can play d6 first, to prevent that e4-e5 push. *thumbs up*


thanks guys. I kinda understand it now. but it seems intimidating to go back to Ng8 and then f6

Conzipe wrote:

If the opponent is happy to face a certain line you are playing does usually means it's effectiveness is lowered. Since they most likely know the lines and are content with the positions they will end up with.

Bringing up the maroczy bind however is likely to completely change the topic when the point of this thread is actually to discuss what happens after 7. Nxc6.

You already answered the question.  My comment was not something that would derail the entire topic.  

Elite_Spartan wrote:

thanks guys. I kinda understand it now. but it seems intimidating to go back to Ng8 and then f6

That's why you can also play

pawn to d6--so you don't have to retreat the knight. (If white plays e4-e5, then black just plays d6xe5.)

The d6 move was a common part of my repertoire when I played the Sicilian (Najdorf and Scheveningen). Also applies to the Dragon.

pfren wrote:

Going back to g8 is the move you have to play if you want to win.

Moving it to the "active" d5 square is actually the right road to an effortless draw, and nothing more than that. Here is a game I have played as Black, and which has been used as reference in a few Accelerated Dragon books e.g. the one by P.H.Nielsen and C. Hansen:


Having done his homework, Black never was in any danger in that game- but then he did not have any winning chances as well, if White failed to blunder something.
For the record, I do not play the Accelerated Dragon anymore. The Maroczy is a major pain in the butt, no matter what Dzindzi and the other "authorities" claim when they are trying to get cheap customers. Black may draw, but he has to suffer for a long, long time- period, and fullstop.

I agree completely.  
