
is jobava London good at 1600?


I got bored of queens gambit and I wanna try a new d4 opening, is the jobava London good at the 1600 level?


yes. the London is basically a slav with the first move advantage as well. it is funny how one of the best defenses for black against it is d5,c5 and Nc6. look familiar?


Jobava is good but i prefer classical London. More solid I guess


London system is perfect


The Jobava-Rapport system is completely solid, but I wouldn't recommend it for players in the 1200-2000 ELO range. The system is two things: trappy if your opponent is bad, and incredibly dry if you're opponent isn't awful. Oftentimes, trades happen very early in the center, leading to very drawish positions, and unlike the QG/Slav positions where White retains an advantage, Black attains equality very easily.


I would argue that the Jobava is good for 2050+, it is a mix of good positional and attacking game and helps you understand openings better. Also it can be your sidelines which are needed as a good player needs many openings.

dragonwings211 wrote:

I would argue that the Jobava is good for 2050+, it is a mix of good positional and attacking game and helps you understand openings better. Also it can be your sidelines which are needed as a good player needs many openings.

Too late im no longer a d4 player