
my favorite anti-sicilian


guys check out this anti-sicilian idk why GothamChess doesn’t mention it it’s great

i call it the Divert Grand Prix Attack

you GothamChess folks should definitely try it sometime


Excellent, getting opponent out of common Grand Prix Attack theory by playing f4 on move 7 instead of move 3.

SamuelAjedrez95 wrote:

Excellent, getting opponent out of common Grand Prix Attack theory by playing f4 on move 7 instead of move 3.

Easy-to-learn sideline that rips black away from all of his preparation. I’m the next GothamChess 😎

SamuelAjedrez95 wrote:

Excellent, getting opponent out of common Grand Prix Attack theory by playing f4 on move 7 instead of move 3.

And not only that, but you’ve centralized the knight, let the dark-squared bishop get outside the pawn chain, and the position is more open- inviting more aggressive play, highlighting the “attack” part of the opening!

TheSampson wrote:
SamuelAjedrez95 wrote:

Excellent, getting opponent out of common Grand Prix Attack theory by playing f4 on move 7 instead of move 3.

And not only that, but you’ve centralized the knight, let the dark-squared bishop get outside the pawn chain, and the position is more open- inviting more aggressive play, highlighting the “attack” part of the opening!

I like it!

TheSampson wrote:

let the dark-squared bishop get outside the pawn chain,

You let the dark square bishop outside the pawn chain? So this is kind of like the London then?


amazing stuff

you guys should tried the reverse stonewall as white it might be nice!

woah!!! super op knight and will def throw everyone off as you have been desiring!!!

Sea_TurtIe wrote:

amazing stuff

you guys should tried the reverse stonewall as white it might be nice!

woah!!! super op knight and will def throw everyone off as you have been desiring!!!

Oh, it's like when you play Ne5 in the London.




omg!!! I didn’t know there were so many transpositions to the london 😱


if you want to throw them off even more go for the italian sicilian where you get biggg pressure and they will have no idea on what to do!!!


Gets them out of Grand Prix Attack theory and into Najdorf theory, doesn't it?


Bros yall are obsessed with Gotham more than his fans ☠️

Nah, keep up the good work


Lord Gotham will guide us.


I quite like that anti Sicilian, looks like an interesting game. But I suggest we call it the Hyperaccelerated Grand Prix Attack: Najdorf Hybrid


It's the London Prix Attack System: Deferred variation.


#11 perfect!

we shall call it the vienna gambit: deferred italidon: fried liver variation

goal is to throw off the opponent and attack the king

black made a big blunder in allowing it, he shouldve been booked and resigned on move one, realising that it is unavoidable, OR he plays an inferior opening (unacceptable)


Yo guys I found this new opening, I call it the Mirrored Trompowsky Attack!

It’s like the Trompowsky! You know, the opening that Gotham uses, but mirrored!


No, that’s the ruy Lopez, and the delayed Grand Prix, is actually the main line Najdorf. Qb6 is the poisoned pawn variation.

frank1234567890frank wrote:

No, that’s the ruy Lopez, and the delayed Grand Prix, is actually the main line Najdorf. Qb6 is the poisoned pawn variation.

We were joking about how GothamChess fans would do anything to avoid the Najdorf or the Ruy