
Opening study


Hi fellow chess friends.

I would like to know if someone is interesting to start studying chess openings with me. My idea is that we will play a lot of live games and online chess in that specific opening, here on We will both play black and white and after every game we analyze it together. Off course you also have to do a lot of studying by yourself so that we can have interesting discussion about the games. The openings I’m interesting to study is: Ruy Lopez, Najdorf and Slav. We will go through every possible variant for these openings. Which opening that we start with doesn’t really matter. If you are interesting please write me a message or post in this thread.

My Rating in IRL is 1820 elo and I think that it would be best if your rating is close to this to.



okay but my rating was  1550 until i timed out against weak players so my rating of the 1200s is "false" would that be okay for u


I'm around 1700 OTB and I play exactly those 3 openings.


It would be really useful to study with somebody, yes.