Can any opening beat any opening? Where can I find a comprehensive & complete breakdown of how they were developed and the theoretical application for the openings we have. Are some openings created to be played with or against others?
Wow! To thoroughly answer all three of your questions, it would be volumes of books that would fill an entire library. But just for the sake of having a surface answer and hopefully getting an interesting discussion started I will give a general, superficial answer to each one.
A) No. Some openings are incompatible with certain defenses in a theoretical examination. But it is not necessarily the opening that beats another opening. It is a combination of multiple aspects throughout the opening, the middle game, and the end game that do not necessarily have anything to do with the opening chosen that create a win, or a loss, or a draw.
B) this is the hardest question to answer in its entirety. You are basically asking for a complete history of the evolution chess in every variation. And external factors that created and shaped the game as we know it. Like the introduction of pieces and rules that have to be present to shape the theory involved in it. Example: there wasn't much need for a knowledge of Queen endgames before the Queens existed. The introduction of the enpassant rules in the late 1800s adds a whole new dimension to what we call "pawn play ". Do you know how many books have been written on the Kings Indian Defense alone just as an example?
And that's with out any discussion of any other openings or the aspects mentioned in answer A that shaped theoretical evolution. Like tactical play, positional play, king safety, endgames in all of their various positions, tempo and timing considerations, material inequality and material imbalances and etc., etc. Just to cover something that I missed in the list.
C) of course. The defenses against 1.e4 are designed to be played against 1.e4. The defenses against 1.d4 are designed to be played against 1.d4. Etc. Even though in some cases the exact same position on the board can be arrived at from different openings and move orders.
Can any opening beat any opening? Where can I find a comprehensive & complete breakdown of how they were developed and the theoretical application for the openings we have. Are some openings created to be played with or against others?