
Queens Gambit Theory


I haven't seen any resources on the chess queen's gambit opening.  I play the opening, and the things I know are from seeing other games or recognizing my mistakes and adjusting.  I would like help to find resources for this opening for white.  Can anyone advise?


There are numerous shops.  With you in the United Kingdom, ones like and are not far from you at all.


Actually, those 2 are actual publishing companies.

As far as generic chess shops, probably the one you should look at is Chess and Bridge: The London Chess Center.  It is a large shop with great selection like, but based where you are.


There are plenty of books on the Queens Gambit.  Some generic, some specifically written for White, some written specifically for Black.


Look there and post the ones you are considering here.  We can tell you whether it covers Black, White, or generic strategy.


Do not rely on YouTube.  I have seen those before.  Some aren't very good, and others that do give decent information are WAY too shallow and do not explain everything you need to know.


OP, are you looking for the whole qg complex or have you narrowed your search? For example, against the qgd are interested in the exchange, Bg5 lines, bg4 lines, etc.


To be honest with you I don't know the names of what the openings I play against are, or what variation it is I'm actually playing.  I recognize patterns.  I know the QGD and kings indian, but I don't know the names of the others I see.  I particularly want to see different lines where the bishop comes to b2, or where the F night moves to e2 and the f and e pawns are pushed.  I haven't used them until the other day, but I saw someone do it on a stream, and I liked the potential in the position.  I also would like to read more about IQP pushes, and timing on them.  For me, the most deepest complex anaylsis books are most useful.  Not like the everyman chess books which are too simple and I don't feel good after reading them, it's just opening moves without the level of detail I want to read.  I like reading the grandmaster repertoire books for example.  If there was something similar in nature to this for the queens gambit I would be very excited.


Note: May have just answered my own question.  I found: Grandmaster Repertoire 1B - The Queen's Gambit by Boris Avrukh.  I will buy and read it.

sg4rb0 wrote:

To be honest with you I don't know the names of what the openings I play against are, or what variation it is I'm actually playing.  I recognize patterns.  I know the QGD and kings indian, but I don't know the names of the others I see.  I particularly want to see different lines where the bishop comes to b2, or where the F night moves to e2 and the f and e pawns are pushed.  I haven't used them until the other day, but I saw someone do it on a stream, and I liked the potential in the position.  I also would like to read more about IQP pushes, and timing on them.  For me, the most deepest complex anaylsis books are most useful.  Not like the everyman chess books which are too simple and I don't feel good after reading them, it's just opening moves without the level of detail I want to read.  I like reading the grandmaster repertoire books for example.  If there was something similar in nature to this for the queens gambit I would be very excited.


Note: May have just answered my own question.  I found: Grandmaster Repertoire 1B - The Queen's Gambit by Boris Avrukh.  I will buy and read it.


Too complicated of a book if you do not already know Queens Gambit Strategy.


You would be better off starting with the Move by Move, Starting Out, or First Steps series.  All 3 have books on the Queen's Gambit.


There is. Look into the exchange variation of the queens gambit declined. There are 3 main plans there. One focuses on the king side, one focuses on the queen side, and one that pushes in the center.

The last plan is what you are describing. Look at Botvinnik and Kasparov games for inspiration.

Moves can vary but one of the goals here is to push for e4 at the right time.

sg4rb0 wrote:

To be honest with you I don't know the names of what the openings I play against are, or what variation it is I'm actually playing.  I recognize patterns.  I know the QGD and kings indian, but I don't know the names of the others I see.  I particularly want to see different lines where the bishop comes to b2, or where the F night moves to e2 and the f and e pawns are pushed.  I haven't used them until the other day, but I saw someone do it on a stream, and I liked the potential in the position.  I also would like to read more about IQP pushes, and timing on them.  For me, the most deepest complex anaylsis books are most useful.  Not like the everyman chess books which are too simple and I don't feel good after reading them, it's just opening moves without the level of detail I want to read.  I like reading the grandmaster repertoire books for example.  If there was something similar in nature to this for the queens gambit I would be very excited.


Note: May have just answered my own question.  I found: Grandmaster Repertoire 1B - The Queen's Gambit by Boris Avrukh.  I will buy and read it.

The GM repertoire books are awesome!

I personally use Lars Schandorff's QG repertoire book and it's absolutely great. Deep but at the same time broad and still includes decent explanations.



Marco wrote:
sg4rb0 wrote:

To be honest with you I don't know the names of what the openings I play against are, or what variation it is I'm actually playing.  I recognize patterns.  I know the QGD and kings indian, but I don't know the names of the others I see.  I particularly want to see different lines where the bishop comes to b2, or where the F night moves to e2 and the f and e pawns are pushed.  I haven't used them until the other day, but I saw someone do it on a stream, and I liked the potential in the position.  I also would like to read more about IQP pushes, and timing on them.  For me, the most deepest complex anaylsis books are most useful.  Not like the everyman chess books which are too simple and I don't feel good after reading them, it's just opening moves without the level of detail I want to read.  I like reading the grandmaster repertoire books for example.  If there was something similar in nature to this for the queens gambit I would be very excited.


Note: May have just answered my own question.  I found: Grandmaster Repertoire 1B - The Queen's Gambit by Boris Avrukh.  I will buy and read it.

The GM repertoire books are awesome!

I personally use Lars Schandorff's QG repertoire book and it's absolutely great. Deep but at the same time broad and still includes decent explanations.




At his level though, he should be targeting an easier book with explanations, like the First Steps or Starting out or Move By Move series.  After he has the basics down, then yes, dig into what you mention.


Those books are really good, but not for a beginner.  A beginner reading that book would be like your 2-year old reading the 2020 NY Times best seller of the year (great book, whichever book that is) when he or she should be reading books with no more than 5 or 6 words on a page, and some children still picture books with 1 word on the page.  Does not make the NY Times best seller bad, but not appropriate for the given audience!  Same scenario here!


Thanks for the advice all.


The thing about the queens gambit is you can play a wide variety of different plans.  My suggestion:

1) play d4

2) play natural looking moves after that (come up with your own ideas)

3) after your games, you will have probably stumbled into a well established variation that you might enjoy


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