
Smith-morra 1


My game.


The smith morra is a really bad opening. If black plays the Siberian trap your doomed.


subtleknife wrote: 
The variations are from video by Lawrence Trent.

Nice game there, I think you just gave me some new ideas to try out. Thanks btw :)

Oh and Trapper; just because the common opinion is that Morra is unsound, doesn't exactly make it true. AFAIK it scores quite well in the hands of an attacking player.
Don't mean to rag on you or anything, it's just that you're being mean to one of my pets ;)

Metaknight251 wrote:

@subtle in the Bxe5 sideline you posted, why doesn't white recapture with the rook instead of Bd3?

Positional consideration. If allowed 18. Qh5, white will commence attack on queen side with Qh5. so black g6 and White Be4 pins the pawn at b7. Black needs a lot of manouvre to get out of this.


pfren have you heard anything about the new Morra book by Quality Chess?

pfren wrote:
jontsef wrote:

pfren have you heard anything about the new Morra book by Quality Chess?

No, and  don't bother, either. For me declining with 3...Nf6 is more than enough: Black is 101% solid, and also retains fair winning chances. Why getting involved in run & gun chess for the sake of being politically correct and accepting the gambit should be the indicated method of play?

If Black accepts the gambit, then the most challenging line is the so-called Taylor's defence (...Nc6, ...d6, ....a6) but I'm not convinced white's play against it is unsound.

1.e4 c5 2.d4 exd4 3.c3 Nf6 4.e5 Nd5 transposes into 2.c3 Sicilian (1.e4 c5 2.c3 Nf6 3.e4 Nd5 4.d4 cxd4) which is considered as equality for Black, but White usually has no problems to draw even vs stronger opponent.


What about this?


Black's light-squared Bishop compensates for the Queen deficit.