
The strongest openings of all!


Hello everyone! Here are three of the strongest openings ever unknown to mankind! These openings are secret weapons passed down from son to son, grandmaster to grandmaster. These are the stuff of legends. There is a rumour that Magnus Carlsen himself is saving these openings for the time he needs to defend humanity from the chess engines, but he didn't expect a 2000 rated patzer like myself to poop the party!


The first opening we will start off with...

C100: Sodium Attack!

This first opening is by far the best scoring one of all. It has the highest percentage of all first moves!

This opening establishes a knight on c4 very early on. This might not seem like much, but once it arrives, black is in imminent danger. Already the knight has many plans, to go to e3 and then f5, to stay there and put pressure on e5 or to support be3. It's like that anti-marshal sideline, but so much awesomer! Even Santa couldn't stand a chance to this godly opening!


Santa's opponent had total domination over him the whole time. Black could only go on to lose if he didn't do something fast, so he did but the opening was just too tough!



E100: Amar Opening!

This opening is another seemingly strange knight move to the side. This opening has some really good scores according to statistics too, but it just isn't as good as its big brother, na3. There is even a well respected theory on YouTube suggesting that kids are taught to move their knights towards the center, just so that they won't discover these two fantastic openings, I personally recommend watching it This deep move is directed against both d5 and e5, if in case of d5, white fianchettoes his light-squared bishop and goes d4 followed by nf4 and slowly piles pressure on the d5 pawn (c4, nc3, qb3) and in case of e5, white still fianchettoes his bishop and goes f4! That means the only ways to survive this nightmarish attack are c5 and the king's indian, but who is going to see nh3 and say 'ok, I think c5 or g6 is the way to punish this weird move'? Hardly anyone! A guy even beat up A van with this!



In the game white didn't use any of the plans or ideas I mentioned and because of that ended up getting a worse position, but he capitalized on his strength, the g file and got back some of his lost advantage. Then he outplayed black and eventually won the endgame!


But anyway I gotta go now, the top chess players will definitely want me dead if I expose more of the ancient secrets of chess and maybe even the FBI or the government could get involved. Thanks for reading!


Certainly the FBI will be after you for sharing the youtube link. 


It may seem like the best opening but check the analysis. I recommend Houdini and Komodo and Stockfish.