I was busy and couldn't follow up with more posts to this thread for several days. My development keeps rushing forward, though, and even some of the conventions I posted have already changed. Here are some more random subtopics...
(6) u-attack and s-attack
Since the term "attack" is very ambiguous, I distinguished between two different meanings of the word.
Per my convention a "u-attack" is an attack on a unit, and an "s-attack" is an attack on a square. By far the most pervasive of these two in my repertoire so far is "u-attack" partly since tactics are so dominant when describing the intents of moves.
For an example of a "u-attack," we're all familiar with the opening moves 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3, where White's knight attack's Black's e5-pawn. That's a "u-attack," and can be seen in my repertoire as such:
For an example where an "s-attack" is important, the following is a puzzle that involves an x-ray attack, where the critical theme is an attack on a square (in this case the h8-square) instead of an attack on a unit...
I'm still unhappy with use of the term "attack" at all. I'd prefer my own term "forcelight", and the distinction as to whether a unit is actually threatened versus merely covered is not sufficiently clear by my current terminology, but that's another huge area and an independent research project.
(7) types of u-attack and possible responses
As we all learned when we first learned how to play chess, there exist only three types of legal responses to escape a single check: (1) the king flees; (2) the king is shielded along the checking line, if possible; (3) the checking unit is captured.
In a double check there exists only the first option. Most of us probably haven't considered the types of responses for when a nonking unit is attacked however. I've listed the possible options below by considering all combinations. Some combinations are illegal, and some are even physically impossible.
TYPES OF U-ATTACKS (in descending order of priority)
1. double check (double u-attack on king)
dcr = double check response
2. single check (u-attack on king)
cr = check response
3. double attack on minion
(?) dm-attack
uar = unit attack response
4. single attack on minion
(?) sm-attack
(1) flee
uar-flee-and-u-attack U
uar-flee-and-capture U
(2) shield
dcr-shield - impossible
(3) capture
dcr-capture - impossible
(4) supersede (zwischenzug)
dcr-supersede - illegal
cr-supersede - illegal
(5) protect
dcr-protect - illegal
cr-protect - illegal
uar-protect-and-u-attack U
(6) ignore
dcr-ignore - illegal
cr-ignore - illegal
Admittedly I'm not currently using some of this notation, such as the terms marked with "(?)", and I currently I prefer "zwischenzug" over "supersede", but this is likely to change eventually. At least it shows my train of thought.
(3) insight into book moves: fleeing is often accompanied by counterattacking
One insight I gained from studying the most popular moves from databases is that, as I already knew, the best moves do multiple good things at once, in particular when a unit must flee it is often repositioned such that it counterattacks as well. This is so common that I even created modified terms that note this behavior, as you can see in the above response list. This is obviously something you should do when playing non-book moves, too: try to find a response that counterattacks upon fleeing.
Below is one example from my repertoire that shows this situation via terms like "uar-flee-and-u-attack by-pawn". The most common situation is "u-attack" followed in the next ply by some form of response "uar-", which means "u-attack response." Common responses are "uar-flee" and "uar-protect".
(4) insight into book moves: time to complete development
Seventeen months ago some user asked an excellent question on this site: How long does it typically take to complete development in an opening? (https://www.chess.com/forum/view/general/how-many-moves-does-it-usually-take-you-to-complete-your-basic-development) I've been wondering about this ever since, and now with all this database study behind me I now know the approximate answer: 20 moves. This is double the answer that other people posted (10 moves). Apparently the opening books that tell you to develop as fast as possible aren't realistic: in real life numerous side attacks typically happen before both sides get castled and get all their units off their original squares.
A good example of this is seen in the above diagram of the Center Game: in the line shown it took White 25 moves to get completely developed, and it took Black 27 moves to get completely developed. Usually it is within 20 moves, give or take 5 moves, but this illustrates my point well.
This means that this type of notation for plans can also be used for academic and statistical purposes: by searching for keywords one can collect data on the nature of openings in general, or even on specific openings.
(5) plus and minus situations
I use keywords to indicate any situation that is of interest to me or others, not just whether a plan is involved.
For example, I have terminology for when pawns become doubled or isolated, since those characteristics are often critical for planning an attack. As a small refinement I began prefixing terms with "-" if they are generally considered negative situations. Like + and - signs on numbers however, I don't bother to put "+" since + is the default and it would be too annoying to have to write that extra symbol all the time. (Zipf's Law, again.)
Specifically, I put "-" prefixes on terms for doubled pawns and isolated pawns, for example, even though some people will debate whether an isolated pawn is always a liability. (It's *my* repertoire and language so I can codify my opinion if I want to! You can modify your own such repertoire and language according to your own opinion.)
For example, in my repertoire excerpt below you can see reference to the following terms with "-" in front of them:
I received a request to post an update on the "plan language" on which I was working and that I mentioned a few times (e.g., https://www.chess.com/forum/view/chess-openings/what-does-a-repertoire-even-look-like-1), so here is my promised thread.
This is a *huge* topic, where each subtopic could easily be its own thread, so I'll post a few topics and insights in each post, and if anyone is interested, they can keep the thread alive by asking questions or posting comments. I was reluctant to post anything at all on this topic because it is so huge, although if it is that huge, maybe an intermediate thread would be a good idea, before the topic becomes so extremely large that I simply give up on trying to tackle the entire topic.
Some of the subtopics that are very large are: the nature and structure of any language at all, insights I've gotten on openings as a result of my study, hierarchies of plans, nameable patterns, tradeoffs. Also, my plan language is still changing rapidly, so the words I'm using may well change.
Here is the start of some subtopics to get a discussion started...
(1) Event sequences
One of my first intents was to overcome a common problem of opening books, which is omission of the general plan behind moves. (Essentially I'm starting to write my own opening book, out of necessity, focused on my repertoire, which anybody else can do, too, and which I recommend.) However, because plans are typically hierarchical this structure can complicate the representation, and I'm still working on this issue. The best I have so far is a start on a representation method for temporarally ordered events, using the symbol "<=", and I'm tenatively going to switch to the symbol ":" to represent a subplan, since I'm already using ":" to represent subvariations.
For example, the following notation...
prepare-for Be2 <= prepare-for O-O
...means the current move (Qd1) is done to prepare for the later move Be2 (by moving the queen out of the way), which in turn is done to prepare for the move O-O.
Below is a screen snap of my repertoire file where I use this notation. Note that the section name uses multiple names separated by ":" where the more basic opening names (especially official names of early opening moves) are at the beginning, and the more detailed variations are at the end.
(2) Variation names
Also note in the above excerpt that I'm using two different types of quotes: single quotes and double quotes. Quotes mean that those are my own names, not official names.
Most common are the double quotes (e.g., "Augstein Defense."), which I usually take from the names of players from online opening databases, and the single quotes (e.g., 'Calthrop Attack.') are also my own names but more historically backed up by the book "Oxford Encyclopedia of Chess Games, Volume 1, 1485-1866," usually by selecting the earliest recorded game with that move.
(3) Temporally spread events
One of my new developments has been to use bracket-like symbols (viz., "<...>") for events that are spread out over time. For example, "<pawn-storm", which shows only the left bracket to indicate that the event has started, does not typically have a closing bracket because a pawn storm typically continues indefinitely. That example is shown in the above screen snap, too.
There exist temporally spread events that are shorter and typically have a concluding move, though, such as the event I named "natgeadan" = knight advance to get exchanged and drive away knight, which typically (but not necessarily) involves the moves Ne5 ...Nxe5 dxe5 ...Nd5. Below is a screen snap of the start and end of that shorter "natgeadan" sequence. Note that this example contains an even shorter temporal sequence: "feex", which is my abbreviation for "fast, even exchange," which is extremely common in all openings, which is why I used an abbreviation (due to Zipf's Law).
(4) Tactical terminology
By far the most common usage of plan language is to explain what each single move does, which at least a few chess game books feature, unlike most opening books. These are also the easiest explanations to understand, since most commonly moves are done for tactical reasons. This doesn't quite prove Teichmann's claim that "chess is 95% tactics" but after studying enough books moves it does provide insight into the nature of "best" moves, namely that they usually accomplish several good things at once.
(5) Personal repertoire comments
Note that all comments in my repertoire are done within braces ("{...}"), since this is legal PGN notation that allows me to cut-and-paste openings or games into chess.com diagrams with relative ease (at least after I move Black's move numbers like "11..."). There is a clever little trick I use here: by accident I discovered that chess.com's PGN player will not display the first of multiple sets of braces, therefore I put personal repertoire notes within a separate, first set of braces that I know will not be visible to the public. After all, a repertoire is essentially a battle plan that you don't want to disclose to the enemy. (Of course I made a small exception when I posted this diagram.) This allows me to cut-and-paste without fear of giving away the lines I personally choose to play, which are marked by "pt" (= pro tempore). I also try to put in a comment as to why I decided on that particular move, via a "due-to" comment. See the screen snap below.
Also note in the example above that it shows two possible transpositions that will arrive at that same position.
As I mentioned, this is all a huge topic, and I'll stop there for my first post in this thread.
[Please allow 30 minutes after this repertoire post appears for me to notice and fix any typos and inaccurate wordings.]