
How many moves does it usually take you to complete your basic development?


I just wanted to put that out there! :) It'd be interesting to know how many moves it usually takes us! :) Sometimes the game is over and even your rooks are still on their initial squares haha. What do you all say? I thought this could be a good discussion...



I guess that wraps up discussions......(lol) Tongue Out


Exactly. I adopt the same setup against non-theoretical openings.

MSC157 wrote:

My money's on black, if that were a real game.


It depends on the opening, but 10 moves is about right. Some openings take longer but generally there is a good strategic reason for it.

jposthuma had a contest going on for a while that whoever could develop all of their pieces and get castled by move 10 on the livestream would win a free t-shirt. I think it took a couple months before there was a winner! It isn't very easy clearly, because you need to also react to your opponent's play, but I think 10 moves is ideal. 

I always tell my students to Develop their knights, bishops, and get castled by move 10 in every game. It's a good rule of thumb for the opening, and sets them up for a successful middlegame Laughing


How many moves does it usually take you to complete your basic development?

Six moves!  Bishops, Knights and a couple of pawns and the basics are done.  Throw in a castling move next and you're on your way to the middle game.


I was actually watching a video lecture on seeing not only that development was really really REALLY important but that's it's so important.......well add a few more "really's" and you get the picture lol Cool


Development is certainly important.  Personally, I'm a gambit player.  I would prefer to sell you a couple pawns if it means I've got all my pieces in play before you're castled.  As you improve you begin to learn that initiative is just as important as material and sometimes more so!