
What is this


Is this a recognized chess opening? or just a random movement of pawns?(im talking about the black peices)

I used this a couple of times in low rated(really really low, 700ish) matches and the opponent either ignores threat Qa5 then Bb4 or they bring out the king to the party too soon. (Im inclined to think this is a case of the opponent unerestimating me or being new at chess).

I would also appreciate some input about how to improve this position, or a warning to cease and desist if its a dumb opening


I'd say if white plays c4, it would probably end up being a Slav/Semi-Slav. Sometimes referred to as the triangle system

MervynS wrote:

I'd say if white plays c4, it would probably end up being a Slav/Semi-Slav. Sometimes referred to as the triangle system

Thanks mate, now to do some research on it