
What's wrong with 1.b4?


Expertise87, it looks like you are mentally challenged, if you had read my post correctly you would have seen that I posted no current "notable GM" would seriously consider playing 1.b4.  Is english a second language for you?! Secondly my post stated that no notable GM has played 3.Bxe5.  If you know of a notable GM who played 3.Bxe5 under tournament conditions please enlighten us.  Thirdly in Capablanca vs Kevitz, White did not play 3. Bxe5 because Black did not allow him too!  


fischerii, you still do not admit that 3.Bxe5 is the best ? Check with a computer if you don't believe any of the people who post here .

fischeriii wrote:

Expertise87, it looks like you are mentally challenged, if you had read my post correctly you would have seen that I posted no current "notable GM" would seriously consider playing 1.b4.  Is english a second language for you?! Secondly my post stated that no notable GM has played 3.Bxe5.  If you know of a notable GM who played 3.Bxe5 under tournament conditions please enlighten us.  Thirdly in Capablanca vs Kevitz, White did not play 3. Bxe5 because Black did not allow him too!  

Whether a GM is "notable" is objective and subject to opinion.


BEES your analysis is somewhat correct. It seems you are the only person on here that understands the shortcomings of 1.b4.  pfren on an "online" rating of 2300 or so, I wonder how many games he played against others using a second screen with a chess machine to play the right moves to get that score.  I understand that in the chess database the white Qn Knight does go to c3 but at the expense of brutally hemming in his C pawn not to mention the fact that the c pawn and others willing be stonewalls against the middle or endgame movements of the rooks if white wishes to do so on the queen side.  The natural development of the white rooks to c1 is now no longer possible if white places the Qn Kn at c3 before he expends a move to play c4, another tempo spent by white.  Bees where do these little woodpushers come from on this blog.  They seem to be all wanna"BEES"  no pun intended!  lol!!!!

fischeriii wrote:

  If you know of a notable GM who played 3.Bxe5 under tournament conditions please enlighten us. 

How about Vasily Smyslov, former World Champion ?


pfren I would send you back to your marbles but obviously you need to study more chess than marbles.  It looks like you play more marbles than study chess theory.  ps "notable" GM are the top 30 GM in the world now, top 50 in history.  pfren were you born mentally deficient?


fischeriii makes a good effort.

There's room for improvement though.  For example Yeresolv sports a 1300 rating while telling titled players how dumb they are and explains the reason is he only ever blunders online.


Thank you OldHastonian, lol!! I stand corrected.  It is nice to meet someone who actually knows what they are talking about! Touche!  Pfren needs to take chess lessons from you!!!! lol!!!  As an added comment Smyslov is a notable GM and he did play 1.b4 only 4 or 5 times in his entire career if that many.  Of the handful of games that he played 1.b4 there are only two that he played 3. Bxe5 and both were against Adorjan and both games ended in a draw!!!   Smyslov abandoned 1.b4 altogether to my knowledge.


lol!! Looks like I did get to you peefren!  Glad I ruffled your feathers.  Your daughter probably beats you regularly!!! lol!!  Judging peefren (not Judjing) from your comments you have the peefren size brain!  I have played in National tournaments all over the US and the World open more than 4 times and placed 3rd in a National tournament and took GM lessons from Roman Vissw.  I don't remember seeing you at these tournaments.  Or were you the one checking your mini chess computer for moves in the bathroom.


ps OldHastonian, just for the record, I did say current notable GM, its been a while since Smyslov has played.  


peefren did you lose your marbles, lol!!, no pun intended!!!

fischeriii wrote:

ps OldHastonian, just for the record, I did say current notable GM, its been a while since Smyslov has played.  

Will be a while before we see him play again I expect :)


peefren I remember seeing you cleaning the mens room, at least I thought that was why you were there?!  what a putz!

ItsEoin wrote:

The wire your opponent strung behind your chair so that when you stand up you'll fall over. 

hehehe :-)


Too bad there is no GM named "Roman Vissw" har har har.

And not only did you recognize Smyslov's name you knew there was such a thing as databases and how to use them?  Like pfren I assumed you hardly knew how the pieces moved heh.  Maybe you will give yereslov a run for his money.


netzach, I suspect so, I wonderfully admire Smyslov chess ability and his chess playing well into the later years!!!


waffllemaster, please dont go goofy on me also.  I shorted Romans last name, its very difficult to remember the spelling, 

Roman Dzindzichashvili


guys, dont talk to this fishy fischerii. It is a waste of time.


what a join date!