
Chess: The most decent game around???


 I myself is a chess fanatic since i was 7 years old... love playing it... In playing the game, i have found out so many variations of moves for each and every single opening move and all falls down with a different ending? Very complex yet in the end what i most cherished in playing it is "How to accept defeat?". the most gentle manner of accepting defeat... sportsmanship... et al. If i feel i lost the game it is fair to extend my hand to the opponent as a gesture of gentleman-sportsmanship... it is very different in ON-LINE CHESS GAMES? Players keep other players WAITING??? Some Players knew already of what will the out-come of the games they are playing but yet they dont resign... and even KEPT their opponents AT BAY?? Waiting for the move/s... It is Unsportsmanlike or even inhumane to have someone wait in line and dont know of the results of waiting... I admire players who really can accept defeat and still let his opponent feel his graciousness in accepting it! I appreciate Players who thinks about waiting for such a long period of time and still being very polite with his partner players...

In ending this message, i call on fellow chess players/members/organizing officers to Upgrade the Level of Sportsmanship in ON-LINE CHESS PLAYING... It is very different in LIVE-IN PERSON CHESS INTERACTION... Is it Difficult to accept DEFEAT? IS IT HARD TO SAY "CONGRATS: NICE GAME PLAYED" or related greetings of such? I WONDER WHAT'S REALLY IN STORE FOR ME IN ON-LINE CHESS GAMES?


More Power to You ALL!

Francisco Zamora


Poker is the most decent game around. And it pays better


I hate when I have someone beat in live chess, and then they wander off and let the clock run all the way down instead of resigning or taking their mate like a man. Does it really make you feel better to "lose on time" as opposed to some other way?

The only consolation to that irritant is that you know at least the loss bothered them worse than waiting did me. Maybe they think I'll get bored and log off, but I'll wait until he** freezes over in that instance.


I started playing Ludo when I was about 5 years old and then moved onto Monopoly when I was about 7 years old. Monopoly is a very interesting board game but it takes hours and hours to finish a game and you need at least 4 players to get the most out of it. It also requires a lot of skill like chess to win even though the skill in it is not very obvious because you use dice to decide your next move. But there are way of using tactics to win at Monopoly as well. I play chess mostly on computer. One thing I hate about computer chess programmes is that they will often call 'stalemate' when I am just 4 moves from checkmating and winning! That is most frustrating. I wish there was more user control over computer chess like being able to choose the maximum number of moves before stalemate is called.