
New Player


Okay, here's the deal. I am probably the worst chess player on the planet. And I would like to play someone. The last time I had a game was recently within the past two months , I played this one person and right off the bat I told  them that I was slow and probably the worst player. After awhile  though they got tired and logged out. The things is, is that I don't have too many friends that play chess. Oh, by the way, I am an old fart, I am sixty years old and I am just now trying to get back into playing chess. I was never that good. I like the game and would like playing someone.  I live with my oldest son and I go out very little. I just sit around the house and read books on religious history and watch a lot of stuff on the internet i.e. scifi and fantasy, and the what not, or whatever there is in history and the sciences. Hope someone is getting my drift. If there is someone out there that wouldn't mind playing me please let me know. Thanks

I will play. I am also terrible and trying to get back into it. With family, full time job and school, I can only play 2 - 3 times per day. If you don't mind that slow of playing, send a request.