
Chess Variant Idea: Billiards Chess


Chess, but insert the following additional rules:

  1. Pieces can "bounce" off the edges of the board.
    • In the above example, the black pawns mark the path that the white bishop on e1 can take to reach e8 by "bouncing" off of the h-wall.
    • In the above example, the white pawns mark the white knight's normal movement range, and the black pawns the knight can now move to by "bouncing" off of the a-wall.
    • Pieces can "bounce" back to their starting square. In this position, white to move, the white king can "bounce" off of the 1-wall, the h-wall, or both to remain where it is, instead of causing stalemate.
  2. Pieces of the same color can move into one another, and the movement will carry through the pieces.
    • A/B are before and after moving the pawn forward one square.
    • C/D are before and after moving the pawn forward two squares. It loses one square of momentum on the first square, but the second square of momentum carries on.
    • E/F are before and after moving the pawn forward one square. You can move pawns forward into enemy figures, but this will only bump them back; pawns don't capture forward.
    • G/H are before and after moving the pawn forward two squares. The momentum can chain through multiple figures.
    • Rooks and bishops can move as far as they want, so their momentum can push other pieces just as far too. In this case, the bishop can "bounce" into the pawn, which itself can "bounce" off of the a-wall and 8-wall to capture the queen. Also worth noting here: since bishops can capture diagonally, that property carries over into the pawn for the full duration of this move.

This variant tends to lend itself to highly aggressive playstyles, since even at the very start, White can use either rook or the queen to "bounce" a pawn straight into the 7th rank for a capture, or use the bishops to achieve the same thing by bouncing a pawn off of the walls. In fact...'s possible to inflict check right at the start of the game if you want!

So, what do you all think? Could this be a serious variant like Atomic, or is it just a gimmick?