
Wolf Chess


Intro: Wolf Chess is a chess variant invented by Dr. Arno von Wilpert in 1943. It is played on an 8x10 chessboard and employs several fairy pieces including wolf and fox, compound pieces popular in chess variants and known by different names. 

Wolf chess correspondence matches and tournaments have been held, one of which is claimed to be the first international over-the-board match for a chess variant. 

Game rules: As in standard chess, White moves first and the main objective is to checkmate. The king, queen, rooks, bishops, and pawns move the same way as they normally do in regular chess. However, there are some special rules:

  • The wolf (g1/b10) moves and captures as a chess rook and knight
  • The fox (f1/c10) moves and captures as a chess bishop and knight
  • The nightrider (represented by inverted knights) moves and captures as a chess knight extended to make any number of steps in the same direction in the same line
  • A sergeant (represented by inverted pawns) moves and captures one step straight or diagonally forward. The sergeant has the option, like a chess pawn, to move two steps forward (but not diagonally) on its first turn
  • A pawn (but not a sergeant) may capture an enemy pawn or sergeant en passant
  • Pawns and sergeants promote on the last rank to: queen, wolf, fox, rook, bishop, or nightrider. Pawns (but no sergeants) have an additional option of promoting to an elephant. The elephant piece is not present in the starting setup; it moves and captures as a chess queen and a nightrider
  • There is no castling in wolf chess

How to play: This part is very simple and straightforward. If you are interested and want to play this game, say it! The first two people who join get to play this game. If you have any questions or are confused at any part of the game, don't be shy. I will readily answer any questions you have. And one additional thing, I can provide a board for you once per move (or two half-moves). If I am too busy to respond, you can edit the board here.


  • @Tasque-Manager
  • @PunchboxNET

lol thats cursed


The rules are too hard for me to understand.

I'll play ig

I will join.
Oh well. Playing.
SilverLeafChess wrote:
Oh well. Playing.


You can play me if you want. We can play via DM.


Game #001: @PunchboxNET (white) vs. @Tasque-Manager (black)

Time Control: 3 days per move. After that, a time warning is called. After a time warning, you have 24 hours to move. A maximum of three time warnings are allowed.

@Tasque-Manager's turn


1. e4

1. d7


@PunchboxNET's turn


Time out warning for @PunchboxNET

2. d4

@Tasque-Manager's turn


Time out warning for @Tasque-Manager


@PunchboxNET wins on time