
ser chessboard


The chessboard Sierpinski-Einstein-Rosen is a conception which offers to chess and to mathematical thought, the ability to manage a space with two dimensions but with a multiplicity of times due to the central obstacle and simultaneously the hyper move which the blue squares allow. This way and because of the addition of the pieces while the rest of the chess rules are kept the same, we have a game not only more complex but also more creative in terms of studies and the mat. The chessboard SER is ideal for all those who know how to overcome difficult obstacles.


What I understood:

- 9x9 board

- 3x3 center is a hole, so those squares don't exist and cannot be jumped over by long distance pieces

- middle square of each 3x3 part is marked blue

- all pieces, on top of their normal moving abilities, if placed on a blue square, can make a 'knight's move' to another blue square

- extra pawn & queen to fill in the extra squares in the starting position

- for all other aspects: normal FIDE chess

- youtube has a video with the above explained in the first 10 minutes - partly in Greek Wink, but once mitsakos33 wants to confirm my description here you can skip that



Please be relevant, helpful & nice!





Ideas about chessboard SERN. Lygeros

In the center there is a topological hole that converts the classic level to that of a torus. There are in total eight Einstein Rosen bridges structured on the move of the knight to constitute a circuit of degree 8. Each entry square is an exit. Through these only the initial pieces can pass and of course the pieces that came from the promotion of pawns. The pawns pass from these squares as if they are classic. The set up of the pawns is classic we simply have 9 pawns. The set up of the pieces is classic except from the fact that there are two queens or generals. The moves of all the pieces and the pawns are typical as long as they don’t use the bridges. The same applies for the singularities, such as castling and en passant. The radical change derives from the fact that due to the bridges we can simultaneously have different times on the same chessboard. Also the fact that there is a topological hole forms the concept of the front. With this data we can implement mental schemes of topostrategy and chronostrategy through a polycyclic siege.