
How do you make a private forum in a club?


I want to make a private forum in my club, but I don't know how of if it's even possible. Could someone please tell me how to if it's possible?


Yes. In the settings hit "private forums"  and then only people in the club can see. 

CDRED141 wrote:

Yes. In the settings hit "private forums"  and then only people in the club can see. 

but I want to make it private so only some people within the club can see


There is no way to do that. If you want it for staff I would suggest making a staff club and have all staff join. 

CDRED141 wrote:

There is no way to do that. If you want it for staff I would suggest making a staff club and have all staff join. 

thanks for the idea, will do that


Np. My club uses it. It's really helpful