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Any blog ideas?

Yeah I cant wait to read a blog written by someone who doesnt have any idea what to write about.
I was thinking the same thing, I come up with my own ideas for my blogs, I don't think asking others for there's is the best way to go about trying to become a blogger.
Yeah I cant wait to read a blog written by someone who doesnt have any idea what to write about.
I was thinking the same thing, I come up with my own ideas for my blogs, I don't think asking others for there's is the best way to go about trying to become a blogger.
Yeah, i agree.

Yeah I cant wait to read a blog written by someone who doesnt have any idea what to write about.
I was thinking the same thing, I come up with my own ideas for my blogs, I don't think asking others for there's is the best way to go about trying to become a blogger.
Yeah, i agree.
Yeah, you may be right. I came with an idea to make a blog about rankink clubs.
I want to start a blog, but I don't have any ideas.
Suggestions? What blogs would you like to read?