
Can't Find Something in the New Design? Ask Here!


Put the lime in the cocoLaughingnut and shake it all up......


I think a nice, crisp white wine would go well with the fish.

clms_chess wrote:

How do you edit the status message?

You don't since it went away (unless they decide to add it back). erik mentioned in the redesign forum a while back that it was planned on being removed.

knightspawn5 wrote:

I am using google chrome....... Nope boxes not there on any team page....

I installed Chrome and the box shows up for me; not sure if something changed or not since earlier with this but it works fine for me on both Firefox and Chrome.

Count_Rugen wrote:

I really think a great big PANIC! button in the middle of the screen would help or at the very least shut up all the chicken littles.

I think Don't Panic would be better.


I changed around some of my theme colors, and it has improved the contrast a lot.

knightchaser wrote:

Analyze mode can't move pieces around!!! Bugsss!!! Bring the old format back!! 

Ok Admins.. I'll elaborate further on my situation

Am using "mobile" BlackBerry browser using OS 6, in Analyze mode I can't move pieces to the "correct" square, or sometime I can move pieces to any square at all. It seems this to me is a major bug, as I can't analyze my games at all, only submit move.

As I'm on mobile, this, is irratating me at the highest level

Please rectify this. Thanks


In the old design, on the iPad 1, I used to be able to navigate to the "home" page ( by clicking twice on the big "HOME" in the upper right of the screen. How can I do that now?

MarijaSM wrote:

Does anyone know where I can browse all members? Now only offer all new members and all titled members. Where are the others?


edit profile?


Where is the "Your move has been submitted." message? I really need this "feedback". How can one be sure there is no transmission error?

Chessking47 wrote:

edit profile?

In the upper right corner of the screen, you should see your username with alert icons next to it. Click on it and it will take you to Edit profile.


When posting in the forums, I liked when you could tell how many points everyone had.  Sorry if this was mentioned earlier-didn't want to read 200 comments.


If you hover your mouse over a person's name, the info appears above the name.


Thanks corrijean you are always very helpful!

It's going to take alot of hovering, the old format concerning this was better.  It was like a badge of points.  Why isn't this issue important to people? 


for the last 2 years i have played most of chess on my nokia n8 mobile phone. with this new format it won't allow me to move my piece on the board. it highlights the piece i want to move but i can't move it. please fix this bug asap


this not related to the new format, just wondering are you gonna fix it ?

will I ever gonna be able to see all of my games in the tournament ? atm is just not happening. 


Where do I find my opponents time out ratio and time per move


Where is the single link to the Daily Puzzle? To have to click through three links to get to it is really annoying. Hope this cna be fixed, thanks.