Forums Feature Request and Wishlist #6


Hi erik and staff, great work on the 960. You know on the toolbar I have 'My Home' and on the the drop-down I have 'online chess' we have the list of current games, recent games, would it also be possible to have a list of the current votechess games that I am in, so I can see which games that is it my turn to play and how much time we have left ?

PsychoMath wrote:
joetheplumber wrote:
eaglex wrote:
Komoliddin07 wrote:

what about Chess 960 team matches and vote chess?






And when you have quick game starting, 960 should also be there.



Start New Game

Time per Move:

1 day2 days3 days5 days7 days10 days14 days

Opponent Rating: (optional)

Min: Max:


And when you make a 960 open seek, the rating range should be for 960 ratings not normal ratings.

Kacparov wrote:
PsychoMath wrote:
joetheplumber wrote:
eaglex wrote:
Komoliddin07 wrote:

what about Chess 960 team matches and vote chess?







add tags to games  (ie Sicilian, blunder, etc)


1) There was some discussion from erik about this a while ago, and it seems so useful that I don't know why it fell by the wayside -- allow later rounds of tournaments to start once all games that can affect the results are complete.  No need to wait for the 4th & 5th-place players in a section to play out 50 moves of a rook vs. knight endgame.  You asked for an example, here's one:  You asked for the algorithm, I posted it, I can do so again if you like.  Not trying to call you out, we just really need this. Smile

2) I'm playing a couple of 12-game matches with my friends.  I'm just tracking them on my profile, but it would be neat for there to be some mechanism within the site for that.


I think the use of conditional move on this site is great. But would it be possible to have a submit button for conditional moves as have for normal moves? Otherwise if accidentally move your reply to the wrong square the wrong conditional move will be saved.

The submit button for conditional moves could be optional if some would prefer to not have to use a submit button.


You're doing great, Erik but yeah you should finish previous engagements before you tackle our suggestions.

Well anyway, here's mine....Chess 960 got me all excited for more variants and I found an interesting one called Giant Chess. I posted a forum about it here 

Also, through another member, I learned about Dark Chess which he claims prevents cheating.

Image:chess zhor 26.png
Image:chess zver 26.png a8 xx b8 xx c8 xx d8 xx e8 xx f8 xx g8 h8 xx Image:chess zver 26.png
a7 xx b7 xx c7 nd d7 xx e7 xx f7 xx g7 h7 xx
a6 xx b6 xx c6 d6 pd e6 f6 pd g6 h6
a5 xx b5 xx c5 d5 e5 f5 pl g5 h5 xx
a4 pd b4 pd c4 d4 pl e4 nl f4 bl g4 h4
a3 b3 c3 d3 xx e3 f3 xx g3 h3 pl
a2 pl b2 pl c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2 ql
a1 kl b1 c1 rl d1 e1 f1 g1 rl h1
Image:chess zhor 26.png
"A game of Dark chess in progress; squares indicated by "×" can not be seen by the white player." Wikipedia.

How about live chess tourneys?


My apologies if a repeat something from the prior list. 


Video Lessons:  (1) Can you link the related videos together?  For example, when I click on Practical Defenses 4, it would be helpful to be able to see the links for Practical Defenses 1-3.  (2) Can you create some shorter videos and put them into their own category?  I often can take a break and watch a 10-15 min video, but harder to make the time to watch a 30 min video. (3) Once you have a good group of videos, can you group them into lesson plans?  So you might create a series of lesson plans for beginners/children, intermediate, experts, advanced?  Would be wonderful if offered some kind of “at a minimum, you should watch these videos” list and in a recommended order, based on our playing strength.


Tournaments:  (1) I concur with someone else that asked that our “current tournament” list not include tournaments where we have been eliminated.  (2) Is it possible to put some kind of continuous ratings cap on tournaments?  I am playing in the second round of the 5th 1800-2000 tourney, and the top player has a rating of over 2700.  My own rating has suddenly gone 100 points over the range, but with one of the top players in the tournament, none of us really has a chance to win.  Would it be possible when a round ends, and before the next begins, to automatically bounce any player whose rating exceeds the range by more than say 200 points?  


Blindfold chess:  I read a number of suggestions for some kind of blindfold chess, presumably against the computer.  I saw a neat training tool where the computer does not show any of the opponent’s pieces, but will briefly show you just the piece that moved.  So, for example, you would start with white and move your pawn to e4 and you will briefly see a pawn appear on c7 and move to c5.  Then it disappears.  You move your knight to f3 and see briefly a knight appear on b8 and move to c6.  You play d4 and see the capture, but only briefly.  The game goes on like that, so you have to try to just remember and visualize where all your opponent’s pieces are.  I suppose a more difficult setting could also remove all your pieces as well.  Seemed like an interesting training tool that you might be able to add to the computer workout?


Thanks for asking for our input.


Under my groups and teams, maybe there could be a way to mark a group so it comes up under the first page or whatever instead of having to go to the bottom of the X page to find it.


1. Advanced search for players using more criteria: average time per move, timeouts, # games in progress, etc. Allow us to filter out those who are unavailable for challenges.

2. More flexible time controls. For example, 1 move per day, plus a five-day reserve. Or for example, 10 moves per week.

3. Reformed vacation system. Not sure exactly what this would be. However, the no-vacation option in tournaments is an indication of how disruptive vacations can be. Perhaps make a limit on how much vacation time can be used per larger interval (e.g., no more than 15 days vacation out of every quarter).

PerfectGent wrote:

in another forum post i raised the idea of different time limits for discussion. These would allow more flexible time allocation and make the use of vacation less of a necessity. The discussion can be found here

As the discussion was in favour could i suggest that these be now inplemented when time allows.

Enthusiastically seconded.


How about a database with all member's games.


Apologies if this has been suggested already:

I would like to be able to flag some games so that they do not appear in my game explorer, i.e. early timeouts. They distort my win/loss statistics with respect to openings.


Just a stable live chess is enough. And I think is what would make the greatest happiness for the greatest number.

Other variants, oh well maybe in the future. The work behind chess mentor+tactics trainer+video I suspect is huge, so a stable live chess is enough.

Chess960 in live chess too? Why not, if possible. In vote chess? It should be easier than in live chess (I don't know, I'm guessing).

Another minor thing:

- Possibility to see variations in diagrams without pressing "move list" (it could be cool)

- Fix the "Quote" button

ratkins wrote:


Video Lessons:  (1) Can you link the related videos together?  For example, when I click on Practical Defenses 4, it would be helpful to be able to see the links for Practical Defenses 1-3.  (2) Can you create some shorter videos and put them into their own category?  I often can take a break and watch a 10-15 min video, but harder to make the time to watch a 30 min video. (3) Once you have a good group of videos, can you group them into lesson plans?  So you might create a series of lesson plans for beginners/children, intermediate, experts, advanced?  Would be wonderful if offered some kind of “at a minimum, you should watch these videos” list and in a recommended order, based on our playing strength.



Yes, to link "the same course" together could be nice. Anyway, you already can use filters for difficulty and theme (ending, strategy, opening, etc), and you can view the entire library, in alphabetical order, to find Practical Defense 1-3 (yes I know it's not comfortable as having the link to the entire course in the page of the video you are viewing, and it shouldn't be difficult to put such link).

I like the "lesson plans" idea, it could be another kind of chess mentor, and most important you got (a revised/suggested) method of study.


Tags.  On everything.

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