
Diamond memberships are awarded monthly to the top 4 team players on our leaderboard All skill...


levels compete as a team with a novice, 2 intermediate, and an advanced player on each team. We have 320 members on our roster competing in our next event beginning on May 4th.

To qualify you must have at least 8 rapid matches completed with a match played at least every other day to sustain a valid rating average.  Our current leaderboard can be observed here:

Our event is officially recognized by as they are providing the diamond memberships to the top 4 point holders on the leaderboard. When you join our club, 4teamchess International, you will be placed on the roster for the event. Joining our club does not impact you in regards to any other club here you belong to on We are simply using the rating you receive here on from the outcome of your rapid chess match you play elsewhere, either in a tournament or a match arranged by

We request data via an API from for the members on our roster. Results of your matches are extracted from the API and used to determine a 'score' which is then applied to a team you are assigned to based on a sort of your rating average on the roster. This 4-person team total 'score' is compared to all the other teams to determine what place they wind up on the daily winners' roster. The points earned from those winning teams are added to any previous points earned. Points are zeroed each month to give others an opportunity to earn a Diamond membership. Teams vary based on current rating averages and change based on the sort of averages daily. 

here is what the result of a daily event look like, please note that players come from everywhere in the world: