
difference in ratings


I have a quick question,


There is something that puzzles me about my ratings.  In correspondence chess, my rating is roughly 1450, but in live chess with a 10 min cap, my rating is only around 1200, a whole 250 less.  Why the difference?  Am i just not as capable of thinking quickly?  


This is very typical. If you check out the overall average ratings for Blitz - Live versus Standard - Turn-based, you see 1187 versus 1390 - a more that 200 point difference. Ratings only indicate relative performance at the mode specified amongst the pool of players playing that mode.


So does that mean that there are more better players playing live chess than correspondence? 


No, it doesn't say much of anything, actually. At least not in my view of things.

More relevant would be the following test: what is my rating relative to the average rating in Turn-Based? what is my rating relative to the average rating in Live - Blitz? The answers to those questions tell you a lot more than comparing the two ratings (i.e., Blitz versus Turn-Based).


Thank you drawmaster