
I Don't see the Computer game


I have tried this:

But this comes:


Don't see the game?

Click here to download Java

Can't see the chessboard above? Then click here to download Java!


I have Java. I even installed it again. Latest version. Does'nt help: I can't see the board. Does anyone see? I have Chrome browser and I tried Explorer too: doesn't help either. 


Chrome decided it won't allow you to use Java (seriously). I believe it is out in Internet Explorer too. Some people have said that you can still force Firefox to let you use it, but I haven't tried.

People cite security holes in Java as the reason.

The new version now in beta does not use Java.


So what browser you suggests me to try? Explorer (Win 10 -> Microsoft Edge it is) doesnt work either. OK, sory, you edited your answer and ansewred this,,,,

EDIT: Where is that beta version? Can i get there?


Even if you could find a browser to run Java, I'd recommend never running Java in a browser. It's really a big security issue.

I'm told the computer in V3 doesn't require Java.


At the bottom of the page, there is a link to "Try the new!" that premium members can use.  If you go to your archive of games, and pick a game, there is a finish game versus computer option. I just tried it.

Unfortunately, it played a completely random move in response to my move, so they have to iron out more bugs.

notmtwain wrote:

At the bottom of the page, there is a link to "Try the new!" that premium members can use.  If you go to your archive of games, and pick a game, there is a finish game versus computer option. I just tried it.

Unfortunately, it played a completely random move in response to my move, so they have to iron out more bugs.

Oh, so the V3 computer isn't yet fully functional for playing against?


I tried beta (V3) and it plays quite well, but maybe it just don't analyze your own games well (in archive againts humans).

EscherehcsE wrote:
notmtwain wrote:

At the bottom of the page, there is a link to "Try the new!" that premium members can use.  If you go to your archive of games, and pick a game, there is a finish game versus computer option. I just tried it.

Unfortunately, it played a completely random move in response to my move, so they have to iron out more bugs.

Oh, so the V3 computer isn't yet fully functional for playing against?

I tried it a couple of times and it had the same bug, so I would say that it is not yet fully functional.


yandex browser should work.


Download Java!

James1011James1011 wrote:

Download Java!


Stomp on Java!!! Kill it!!! Kill it dead!!!


Just play the computer in live chess. Even the easy computer can be kind of mean, though, so beware.

notmtwain wrote:

At the bottom of the page, there is a link to "Try the new!" that premium members can use.  If you go to your archive of games, and pick a game, there is a finish game versus computer option. I just tried it.

Unfortunately, it played a completely random move in response to my move, so they have to iron out more bugs.

I just tried, but couldn't find the option to finish game v computer.

Can you still see it?


Here's what it looks like:


  • Rematch

  • Computer Analysis

  • Add WinniePuuh as a Friend

  • Send Trophy

  • Finish vs Computer


Thanks, but I can't see those options from my game archive...


Did you click on a game?  

baddogno wrote:

Did you click on a game?  

Yes I did. The options you posted are available to me on V2, but I can't find them in V3.


Apologies, there is a none too obvious scroll bar which leads to the options you described Embarassed


Very strange.  I just jumped over to V3 again to make sure and I have the option in my games.  Oh well, maybe there are reasons it's still in beta.


Yeah that's one of the things I don't like about V3.  I had trouble finding the scroll bar in the computer analysis also.