
What is your current Daily Puzzle Streak?


My name is Accede and currently my daily puzzle streak is at 473, my overall goal is to get a 1000 day chess daily puzzle streak. What is your current daily puzzle streak or what was the highest you reached? (If you lost a high streak tell us the story on how you forgot to do your puzzle happy.png)

Hey Hi! First of all can you please tell me what is the puzzle 🧩 streak mean in standard puzzles as there is no way I obtained this many puzzle correct in a row - my stats show 143 - there is no way I obtained that many correct in row - so what does the puzzle streak mean or do or represent- thx!🙏
Atm I have a streak of 26, but I had gotten up to around 120 at one point. Sadly I missed a few days while on holiday
AccedeSpeed am talking about the daily puzzle. Not the infinite puzzles.


Mine is about 407


122 I think and through exam season