
Advice and tips for beginners

My request to analyse my game between me and alexita I nearly loss by time out this game I took too much time to think my move can someone analysis this game and tell my mistake appreciate it 🙂

I’d love to go over your game with alexita but I’m failing to find it in your recent games. If you’d still like some analysis and feedback feel free to dm me with the game. I’d be more than happy to.


I really appreciated it that you gave your time. And I really want some friends who analysis my any recent game and point out my mistake to improve myself 🙂


I really hope you can give me some tips to improve myself


This is helpful.

Avoid blunders. Credit @ChessMasteryOfficial

play4fun64 wrote:

This is helpful.

Avoid blunders. Credit @ChessMasteryOfficial

Thanks for giving me credits grin.png


For Beginners, U800, winning is simple. Reduce blunders and take advantage of opponent's blunders. And of course, Basic Checkmate


hello I am also new to chess are there any pointers you can give me?


hello I am also new to chess are there any pointers you can give me?

Honestly just keep playing. Learn to first not hang or give any of your pieces away for free. That’s a vision of the board you just have to develop through practice and playing. Then try to incorporate calculation. Try to figure out why certain moves are bad and why others are good. Once you can identify relatively speaking what a good and a bad move is try to begin calculating as far as you can. With practice you’ll just automatically start recognizing certain patterns without any calculation at all—then keep playing and improving!


Good luck


thanks that is a little helpful but i still have a hard time knowing which moves are bad or good, im always checkmated no matter what i do.


Checkmate hardly matters as a beginner. Just focus on not giving away your pieces for free. Create a checklist and don’t move a piece until you’ve checked every box off the list. Am I hanging anything? Can I give a check? Does that check do anything? Can I capture anything for free? Etc. I promise the more you play the more the tactics and the patterns will become second nature to you.


can i play you to see if i know what im doing and you can help by adding comments and coaching me from right and wrong moves.


can i play you to see if i know what im doing and you can help by adding comments and coaching me from right and wrong moves.

I sure can but I probably won’t be available until this Sunday. I work all day everyday till Sunday. I’d be happy though to go over the games you play with other people and give you feedback probably after work. But honestly it’s not terribly complicated stuff. It is timed chess after all. Hanging pieces is going to happen time to time. You just need practice and repetition


that is not what i meant, I meant playing a round or two of chess with you but you can still give me feedback from previous games since i don't seem to be learning not to make the same mistakes over and over again


that is not what i meant, I meant playing a round or two of chess with you but you can still give me feedback from previous games since i don't seem to be learning not to make the same mistakes over and over again

No yea, I understand. I can play with you. I just can’t play until this Sunday due to my schedule. So if in the mean time you want me to look over a game or two I can do that. But yea, I won’t be available to play until this sunday

Mishrachess wrote:
My request to analyse my game between me and alexita I nearly loss by time out this game I took too much time to think my move can someone analysis this game and tell my mistake appreciate it 🙂

In the first 7 moves you made 2 pawn moves and 5 Queen moves. That's a terrible way to play the early game. You win a pawn but none of your pieces are developed. With a more solid approach you could have two or three pieces and developed and have already castled to get your King to safety. You should learn more about opening principles.

In the 7 moves that follow, you are still playing only pawn moves and again several Queen moves. Don't get fooled by the success of winning the Rook on move 13, it's better to build a solid position than to send your Queen on adventures by herself. Opening principles should be your top priority.


hello I am also new to chess are there any pointers you can give me?

You really are completely new to the game with absolutely everything still to learn. I've checked one of our games and don't think you need pointers just yet. You first have to learn the basic concepts, like the value of pieces. After that check out opening principles.


Thanks duckfest to analysis game for me it's really helpful for me and also appreciate it


follow these opening principles: 1. control the center 2.develop your peices towards the center usually knights before bishops. 3. king safety 4. dont bring the queen out to early. 5. dont move the same piece twice unles you have good reason.