
Best way to improve in chess


Hello guys,

Recently i rediscover my love for chess, and im trying to find a way to improve my game. i do game analysis after every lose and win but i seem to be stuck around 1150 rating. 

Do you have any tips or ways to improve as a player? What should i do or play.


  Hi! My name is Lauren Goodkind and I'm a chess coach based in in California:  

I have tips for you to improve as a player.   Before each move, I highly encourage you ask questions before every move such as, “If I move here, is it safe?”, “Can I safely capture a piece?”, and more.  

Also consider all checks and captures on your side and also your opponent’s side. 

Learn basic tactics such as the fork, discovered attack, pin, and more.  I offer interactive puzzles on my website:  

If you are serious about chess, I highly recommend you hiring a chess coach to help you.  

I hope that this helps.  


Dear Anenas,

I am a certified, full-time chess coach and International Master, so I have seen it and tried it all.
There are so many ways to get better and I know it can be overwhelming.
You can learn from free videos on youtube, there are books at your disposal that can all help, but they are not tailored to your needs.

One of the most important things you can do is to analyze your games! You must learn from your mistakes! That is a priority. You can't really move on to a new, different topic and learn new ideas if you still make the same mistakes over and over again!

This is where a chess coach comes into the picture. A good coach can show you how to study, what to study, gives you the material YOU need. Naturally, it takes time to use everything in practice, but if you are relentless and persistent you will succeed!happy.png
You should learn the main principles in every area of the game (opening, middlegame, endgame).  Don't focus on only one part! You should improve your tactical vision as well as it is part of all areas!  
This how I built my training program for my students. We discuss more than one topic during a lesson so it's always interesting and they can improve constantly. I give homework too and the right tools to make practicing enjoyable and effective!happy.png
Don't worry about your rating and the ups and downs! Just keep on playing and practicing!

I hope this helps.happy.png  I wish you good games and 100+ extra ratingshappy.png


Improving Your Chess - Resources for Beginners and Beyond...


I like to read chess books. They tend to go at your own pace and go in much more depth than videos. I make studies out of these books on Lichess so that I can refer back to it whenever I want instead of rewatching or rereading a book. It has helped me in the opening a lot. Here are my French and Queen's Gambit studies that have different writing styles. I didn't put everything the author mentioned in the studies. Just the most relevant ideas. For free books, check here. They may be old but they do have a lot of good information that could help you. 


This will help you in the opening and maybe the middle game. Hope this helps


I find puzzles help. If you get it wrong replay it to get the correct solution. Then pull up the analysis board to see why your original move was wrong. Since it can show the best moves you can see why you were wrong and it helps you to recognize and know the pattern the next time you see it. 


Hi Ananas, if you pay attention to master the fundamentals, you will easily increase hundreds of points in weeks.

That's all you need. Let's take the example of your game against "billaldev. I notice that you fought for the center, but you made the bad move as 4.a4  and then 8.Nd5.
You "declared war" on your opponent with that move, but you haven't considered that the black pieces would be more prepared to attack your king in the center after the exchange. 

Do you want to get better faster in chess? Fix it, master the principles, and you will gain +200 easily. 


Analyse your lost games to learn from your mistakes.
Study annotated grandmaster games.


Good tips!


Thanks guys for your tips ^^ i will try to pay more attention to my games. Also thanks for all the sources you provide to help me, i will try to use them well. Cheers guys and have a great day! :)


First have a look in the forum! There are literally dozens of similiar threads about the similar question. And the answers doesn' t change over time.....


If you want to become better in chess it is esential to reckognize your weakness. Try to do so by your self and see are you able to do so. If not try to find someone to help your for free or take few lessons with chess coach. Best regards Ivan