
Do I deserve to always lose?


I don't think actually helps very many people get better at chess. At ~900 in rapid, it says I'm in the upper 25% of rating on the website. Actually, 1400 is supposed to be average in tournaments, so obviously most of the site's users aren't even improving their rating to an average level. Even without trying, you can be better than half the users on the site. If you want to get better, you'll have to do something different from what you've been doing. I wouldn't expect to improve too much playing rapid games against other weak players. It might be entertaining, but it won't improve your chess skills. Read a chess book, study master games. You know, the opposite of what most users do.



If your not as good as other player then yes you deserve to lose.
Looking at some of your recent games, you have a high rate of time out and abandoning games.
In your most recent game, you lost on time with 40 seconds on the clock when their rook was hanging.

Yes, you deserve to lose!

You’re the type of person that doesn’t accept the En Passant rule.

I bet your type of guy that moves his King.

Than moves his King back and tries to castle.


Nah bro


If during a game your opponent out plays you, then your opponent earned the win and you earned the loss. If you out play your opponent, then you earned the win and your opponent earned the loss. If you both end up in a draw, then you both earned the draw.

Deserve is not the way I would put it. I guess the word 'deserve' could be replaced with the word 'earned' if one really wants to.
Its very semantic but for a reason. When I'm on a losing streak, I try to look at it from another way to not get too frustrated with my losing streak. The word deserve is too much of a generalized word. Gives me the feeling that I won't get out of the streak. The word earned helps me to take it game by game and I'm just 1 game away to end a losing streak.


My father used to smack me on the back of my head everytime I lost a game.

ShikshaWithPraveen wrote:

My father used to smack me on the back of my head everytime I lost a game.

Too bac

Compadre_J wrote:

Yes, you deserve to lose!

You’re the type of person that doesn’t accept the En Passant rule.

I bet your type of guy that moves his King.

Than moves his King back and tries to castle.

I challenge you to a daily match then


as was started from others here --- its just it hasn't won't sink in to my old sick brain- doing better at in their numbers ratings is the same as getting better at chess

my example --- iam just awful here after two years of playing still only 130 at 3min 500 at 24 hour games --- but over year ago i played some young kids at the community Centre near me about six games -- lost every one of them players of different skill levels -- 10 min games -not one did i get to 30 moves --- my score was 148 at 3min 275 at 24 hour

two weeks ago played at same centre against 7 kids under 15 varying age and skills - 3min/10 min /30 games - lost 3 won 2 statement others - so i must be getting better but my score at is still as awful --

so don't go by alone for skill level my example mind you is a poor showing but for a old man it makes a small point -- others my chime in better examples



I'll keep that in mind.

anshuisthewinner wrote:
Compadre_J wrote:

Yes, you deserve to lose!

You’re the type of person that doesn’t accept the En Passant rule.

I bet your type of guy that moves his King.

Than moves his King back and tries to castle.

I challenge you to a daily match then

I have declined the daily match.


Don't play for rating play to learn and improve. that would be my advice.


I'm literally in the same situation rn. I was 441 elo in rapid and now I'm 388. It ain't going up since the last 5 days. It's frustrating ik, but things will work out. Not someone who could give advice as I'm a beginner myself, but I've seen a lot of higher-rated players say to stop playing bullet and blitz too much.


I first learned to play chess with a friend of mine OTB. He would absolutely destroy me. It drove me crazy, and sort of strained our friendship.
Years later I'm trying to learn chess again, and I'm trying to learn from my mistakes. I play bots, mostly, to add to the detachment. The game analysis here helps me understand some of what I'm doing wrong, but I do admit to still being a bit scarred from losing all the time. The other side of this is that if you are willing to identify and fix your mistakes, to do some study, and to ignore your ELO for a bit, you'll get better. I literally typed that question into Google and got some answers. The ChessMood website had some helpful articles for me.