
good tips for chess starters

in this Forum we will give each others good tips for better games

Study chess opening. This video will help you.


Study Capablanca's A Primer of Chess.


1. Do puzzles every day, for like a quarter hour or so, so you can see tactics, and gain awareness of the full chessboard. Tactics are present in every phase of the game, so they are really important.

2. Review your games, especially your losses.

3. Play slow time controls, like 15|10, so you have actually time to think about your moves and improve.

4. Dont skip on endgames. Especially on low levels they can give you easy wins.

5. Once you hit rating 1000, start learning actual opening mainlines.

6. I recomment the speedruns from GM Daniel Naroditsky and IM Eric Rosen on YouTube. They are very instructive because they explain their moves and explain concepts etc, and the difficulty ramps slowly up.


Just general advice dont make moves on impulse think about your move before playing granted i know im guilty of moving on impulse but i still try to be more of a focused player, though like most i am a work in progress nowhere near my chess potential.


Learn and apply the most important principles of chess.
Always blunder-check your moves.
Solve tactics in the right way.
Analyze your games.
Study games of strong players.
Learn how to be more psychologically resilient.
Work on your time management skills.
Get a coach if you can.


Gothamchess is really good chess teacher and by watching her videos will help you in chess


You will

A puzzle and lessons and analyse easy as pie