
How many games should you play before you beat 1000

I’ve been playing chess regularly for a couple months and I feel like I have not gotten any better. I feel like I have played a lot and yet I’m stuck in the 800-900 rating, Am I just terrible or is there something I am missing?

Well that's a strange ratings range. People who join on PC get to choose their ratings range when they join, and lots of them under or over estimate their ability. So as a result there are quite decent (or better,) players fighting their way up from 800, and better than my drunk uncle 1200's spiralling down. Until you get past 1100 you're like a chunk of bread that's fallen into the fondue set, mired in that greasy mess... That may be what you what you were missing, or maybe you really are the cheese. You need to study systematically to really improve much, unless you're a gifted genius on the way to a title. 


Looking at your stats you've taken a couple of long breaks... Your right, of course... then your ratings dips, naturally enough, then you fight back to square one, then you take a break, then your rating dips, naturally enough, etc. Do you see the pattern?

Thanks for the advice, I agree I should probably start playing chess more consistently.
By study systematically, what exactly do you mean? Just have some structure to my studying?

I Started from 400 rating in rapid.... and i didnt know about Skill level affects starting rating .. I simply choose "new to chess" which was default ...


Tbh, if you wanna get better at chess, I'm 1012, the only reason is, GOTHAMCHESS! Watching instructors is in my opinion the best way to learn tactics for free.


wacheese, I decided to go to your profile and look at some of the games you've played.  You don't understand basic theory.  It's no wonder your rating is so bad.


watch gotham he the best and get your openings better


"I feel like I have played a lot and yet I’m stuck in the 800-900 rating"
++ What matters is not how much you play, but how much you learn from your lost games.

wacheese22 wrote:
By study systematically, what exactly do you mean? Just have some structure to my studying?

For example, you have not solved a single puzzle since April.

All you do is play 1-5 blitz or bullet game every month. How is that supposed to help to get better?


6 months for me i think maybe 3 I cant remember 


Yes, blitz & bullet are worthless for progress.
Play 15|10 rapid and use all your time.
Analyse your lost games.


I switched to 15|10 and i went from 1000 to 1200


I am a 1614 in rapid. You should play large time games like 15/10 or more. I recommend watch Gothamchess or Eric Rosen. Do more puzzles and play more. Analyze all your games


I was around 800-900 when I joined this website 2 years ago. I did all the guides from and that made me from 900 to 1200 in 2-3 months... of course I played a lot of games in that period and mostly 15/10 games... Seems that my brain is slow so if it is shorter than 15 minutes I just can't think properly.


contrary to my pairs, I advice against playing longer rapid games, you should play on the brink of what allows you to "understand" what youre doing, maybe a little slower than that, I play in 10min, it would be ideal if you could play half or even one hour games online like others say, but the truth of the matter is that the longer the time, the weaker the gaming pool is, so for example, if youre 800 on 10min, youll probably be around 1200 or even better at 30min, I wanted to play longer games, but noticed the oponent was super weak, so I wont that game with like 25 minutes left on my clock, then I thought, maybe it was just luck, but no, the gaming pool on longer time controls is weaker.