Im losing more games with black
"I am losing more games with black than I am winning." ++ That is normal.
"I play Sicilian hyper accelerated dragon." ++ OK
"should I switch to caro kann" ++ No
"or study hyper accelerated?" ++ Not necessarily study: analyse your lost games and learn from your mistakes.
I think people just normally invest more time on white openings study. That's why they tend to perform better with white.
Just spend a little bit more time on black openings as well, this will surely help.
I've had much better results with black lately coz of the time spent on black openings.
Stop looking for the magic opening, play decent stuff and stick with it. Main lines are main lines for a reason. If you just want a quick score against terrible players, then learn trappy, obscure openings and chew up all the noobs. If you want to improve, you need to be generally better at understanding how chess works.
My record is the opposite, I've won more as black. I would usually play an opening system so that I'd get my pieces into strong positions. I also play more cautiously and make sure there are no hanging pieces. Instead, I try to take advantage of my opponent's mistakes.
For white, I am more aggressive and take more risks, which can slow my development. Even worse, the opponent may counter any traps that I may create.
I think black is usually to play defend and white to play attack. Better to look at our playing style and analyze then to adapt it with the color we get