
Pirc question - early fork


A question for those who know The Pirc Defense. This situation often occurs early when white plays Bc4 and I can take the E-pawn and fork the bishop and knight. But is that the proper move?


The other way I usually play is 0-0, c6 and qa5 pinning the knight before pushing e5. Or c7 depending on what white does.


In my opinion, you can capture the e pawn


Yes, that works fine most of the times, and often I win a pawn (if white retreats the bishop instead of taking). But I'm afraid it's too early to make a move in the middle. But I'm so scared of e5 that could ruin the game nervous.png


For other Pirc players I got some very sound advice on this from "Pirc Café":

"The Nxe4 line is fine. I actually prefer playing Nc6 first here, and if given the chance I will follow up with Nxe4. Note that, as an alternative to taking your Knight on e4, White can play Bxf7+ and then capture your Knight.

I recommend watching Mackenzie Molner's video series on the Pirc. If I recall correctly, his Bc4 video covers the line I discussed (Nc6 followed by Nxe4)":