
Puzzle for beginners!

jetoba wrote:
Made_in_Shoreditch wrote:

The move order is 1.Bb5, QxB, 2.QxQ Bd7 resulting in Black losing the exchange Queen for Bishop. This way, if Black wants to continue a hopeless battle, they maintain their pawn structure and Castling rights.

If 1 Bb5 QxB then 2 QxQ Bd7 3 Qxb7 Rc1 4 Qxe4+

Better for Black (albeit still losing) is 1 Bb5 Bd7 2 BxQ BxB and now b7 and e4 are defended while forcing the White queen to move.

If Black plays Qxb5 then the best follow-up to QxQ+ is not Bd7, but rather c6 (still loses the e-pawn after Qe5+ but at least the queen side pawn structure remains intact.

I see that now, should have spent more time on it.