
Tips for new beginners


YouTube: Gotham Chess. You're welcome.

Git_er_done wrote:

A popular answer is to work the puzzles.... Once you know how to play..... Work puzzles work puzzles work puzzles...... And understand why you get them wrong. Eventually through repetition it will start to sink in..... Common tactics.... Sacrificing pieces to set up a check mate, skewer or pin of a queen... Even sacrificing the queen to do so..... It won't happen overnight...... It will happen over many months of repetition.... And thousands and thousands of puzzles..... But you will slowly see your puzzle score get better..... And that means you're thinking about how to get the best out of every situation that you're proposed with...... It's not always a mate.... Sometimes it's just winning material..... You'll understand barrow or borrow how you win material ... By trading pieces and coming out ahead.... And you'll look for those opportunities also.

For newcomers diving into any field, embracing curiosity and patience can pave the way for meaningful progress. Begin by setting clear goals, whether it's mastering a new skill or understanding key concepts. Break down complex topics into manageable chunks and don't hesitate to ask questions or seek guidance from mentors and peers.