
Is this position legal?


numbers one and two definitely (for 1, black wasn't on the 8h side, and as of 2, the knight moved forward and backward).

Three is defintiely possible using the white knights to kill the black ones and then just have the rook move over one square and then back at the end.

Four is almost possible, but black would only be able to move his/her pawns at the end, destryoing the situation.


numbers one and two definitely (for 1, black wasn't on the 8h side, and as of 2, the knight moved forward and backward).

Three is defintiely possible using the white knights to kill the black ones and then just have the rook move over one square and then back at the end.

Four is almost possible, but black would only be able to move his/her pawns at the end, destryoing the situation.


#1430, problem 1. I'm not sure whether this is correct...

White made 8 promotions (all to rook). Promoting the pawns from a,b,g,h files requires at least 6 captures (axbxa/c, bxa/c, hxgxf, gxf), the exact missing number of Black's units. Thus White's c,d,e,f pawns marched straight. This also implies Black made cross captures to let c,f pawns through (cxd to let White's c-pawn to promote, and then dxc to replace a pawn back to c-file; likewise with fxe and exf). But then d,e pawns are blocked; Black has already used up all 4 captures, and at no time did d- and e-files were empty of Black pawns, so White couldn't promote the central two pawns. So the position is illegal.


#1430 (1) is legal.

Yes, black made 2 sets of cross captures c/d and e/f. There is a way to let all 4 white pawns straight through.


Without checking #1430...

Yes that is legal. I trust Remellion.


...oh crap, really, did I just forget the trick? (White's d-pawn goes to d6; Black captures c6xd5; White's c-pawn marches straight; Black captures d7xc6; White's d-pawn marches straight as well.)


This is what I ment, I got a Roook at h2




If you're looking for more puzzles, post #1430 has 7 unsolved puzzles (all of them). Good luck.


73 pages of posts! That is ridiculous insane!

My 2 cents on the forum though: I believe all the puzzles in the first page are indeed possible.







Well, I'm pretty sure there's nothing in the law against chess positions...although there was a story that a TD was arrested for spreading gambling: Playing for money in a chess tournament!


As for post #1456, I'm pretty sure that's legal. Seeing as  you haven't posted board coordinates yet, maybe there is something in that...?


That one is legal regardless of any silly coordinates tricks.

Unfortunately, other than the people who actually contribute meaningful and relevant stuff in this thread, there are a lot of guys who post random, meaningless positions and comments, for reasons yet unknown to mankind.

You have to filter the good from the bad yourself, and search for the actual retro puzzles (once again, check out my post #1430 for 7 unsolved puzzles if you like these).

#1: Nope. Neither king can reach that field with the bishop AND those pawns in their original spot.

Well fyi 1 is legal. Look at the coordinates.

Chessgrandmaster2001 hat geschrieben:

Title says it all. Post a position, and the members will decide whether it is legal or not.

#1 is not legal, because there is no way that the king could get to this square, regardless its black or white, unless the pawn on g or b has moved at least once























NOTE: Person needed to create puzzles.