
Somebody is mad !


i found this rather amusing. I decided to share this this with you all. you dont see the guy mad everyday, its  a rare occurence. Laughing


Kasparov had a right to be angry, I think.  A strong player trying to sandbag him in a simul?...  it doesn't seem fair.  He should have at least have identified himself at the beginning - that would have been better.


I know this is kinda necroposting but whatever. I wanna see ur guys clips or stories of people get angry with chess


Yeah Kasparov actually has a pretty good case lol, why should he be happy with a liar. (Well actually I guess we can't be sure whether it was an honest mistake, but still it doesn't seem hard for the organizers to find out who everyone's rating is in advance)

I find it strange though that he seems to have so much respect for a 2200 rating... I feel like if this were not a simul he wouldn't call a 2200 player anywhere near "professional" -- in fact I would think he would find him to be pretty much a patzer. Hell even I don't consider 2200 professional or even semi professional -- really really good, but professional? No :)

If he really does have respect for 2200 players though that's actually pretty cool, that he doesn't look down on them. Obviously master is nothing like grandmaster, but there's still so much that goes into achieving it that most people never come close to.


In a classical game it would be pretty one sided but in simuls it can get tricky. He was probably playing in a manner that would be safe against 1600s but dangerous against a 2200. Even Petrosian used to play suboptimal things against players that weren't well known.


Thing is the maximum rating was 2000 I believe


Perhaps, but then again, strong players usually give the very advice not to change your play just because you are playing someone weaker, because then you are taking unnecessary risks and not playing to your own strength. Perhaps in a simul it's different though -- maybe he wants to get quick wins in some games so he can focus on others.


Your right. That kinda goes into what my coach once told me. The weakest players r the hardest to beat. They will make you feel like you can take risks and will make moves that are so irreverent that they will throw off your game


Remember that it is a simul, not a classical game. GM cannot analyze all positions for more than 10/20 seconds so the strength of opponents matters in that case.

By the way I do not see the point of having someone coaching you while you are playing. If this 2200 dude explains all the moves to its kids then they will never find it by themselves over the board.